Picture Mike Castle sitting on a little hallway chair, his head lowered meekly with his hands folded in his lap saying nothing while Karl Rove scolds his colleagues.

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 13, 2007

That is the picture I get after reading this “delawareway” post.

More Mother’s Day Castle Bashing

Art Downs is a conservative blogger here in Delaware who I’ve never heard of – but if he hates Mike Castle he is okay in my book.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (27)

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  1. Dana says:

    Jason: You are always welcome to visit Common Sense Political Thought and read more of Mr Downs’ fine commentary!

    I used to live in Hockessin myself, before moving to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. Can’t say that I was impressed by any of the Delaware Republicans (including now former Senator Roth), but, naturally, I wasn’t impressed by the Delaware Democrats, either. It always seemed to me that the top politicians all saw themselves as small-state nobility.

  2. Art Downs says:

    Mike Castle is the consummate RINO and is often referred to as one of the ‘Three Stooges’ along with Biden and Carper.

    He is a careerist whose sole goal is getteing reelected. He holds some powerful cards in his hands. One ace is name recognition. Years at supping at the public trough give him that. He is the antithesis of the citizen=legislator. The pwer of incumbency is another ace. Then there is the willingnes of so many Reopublicans to vote for a generic candidate. Sometimes it backfires, as in the case of Jim Jeffords. But what makes Castle Representative for Life is the proclivity of Democrats to nominate an opponent who obliges so many Republicans to hold their nose and vote for him in the General Election.

  3. anon says:

    Mike Castle is the consummate RINO

    Art… Castle is a ’70s Republican who is socially liberal and fancies himself a fiscal conservative. For social conservatives Castle is a RINO. But on tax, budget, and foreign policy Castle is a loyal Bushie. And Delaware is a blue state – Castle is a legacy Congressman cruising on name recognition alone.

  4. anon says:

    Club For Growth has a list of anti-pork blogs in each Congressional district which are supposed to be watchdogs against pork perpetrated by their Congressman. For Delaware, the blog listed is First State Politics. Well knock me over with a feather! I don’t know about you, but for the latest in-depth analysis of Castle’s outrages, I always tune in to FSP. FSP is the premier anti-Castle blog in Delaware!

  5. Dana says:

    anon wrote:

    on tax, budget, and foreign policy Castle is a loyal Bushie.

    And Republicans would still be in the majority if President Bush’s and the past few Congress’ budgetary policies had been conservative. A lot of conservatives abandoned the GOP in 2006 because while we did onr thing right (we taxed like Republicans), we did one thing very wrong: we spent like Democrats — maybe even worse than Democrats. We spent so profligately that it would embarrass every drunken sailor in the world.

    And we went into the 2006 elections with the (apparent) theme, “Vote for us, ’cause we don’t suck as much as the Democrats.” Didn’t work.

  6. MOT Newbie says:

    Jason – are you now in bed with those who say a RINO is no Republican at all? Sellout.

  7. jason330 says:


    These guys who think Castle is a RINO are CLUELESS!! But if they want to join in bashing Castle I’m fine with that.

  8. MOT Newbie says:

    Don’t get caught up in “the enemy of my enemy is my friend/ally.” It’s a fatal solution…maybe not in the short term, but definitely in the long term. This country played that card over 20 years ago. Sure helped a whole f’ing lot, didn’t it?

  9. jason330 says:

    1987 ?

  10. anon says:

    while we did onr thing right (we taxed like Republicans), we did one thing very wrong: we spent like Democrats

    You guys still don’t get it.

    The big spending is what is currently keeping the consumer economy in some semblance of normalcy. You think you can just cut back the spending, and the economy will just keep rolling along? It won’t.

    Big spending (or more precisely, big borrowing) is REQUIRED to implement Republican tax cuts. Republicans have never followed up their tax cuts with spending cuts and they never will.

    Without the Keynesian stimulus of the deficit spending, middle class standard of living would begin falling and they would begin abandoning the GOP in droves.

    Anyway, please STFU about spending until you are ready to cut spending on Iraq.

  11. dh says:

    Good to see that partisan hacks on both the left and the right can find common ground in their mutual hatred of all moderates.

  12. ah dh, there’s the rub. He does not vote as a moderate so his words mean less than nothing.
    It is not to hate the man to say that as my Representative, he votes for 98% the full Bush agenda.

  13. dh says:

    Well, Congressional Quarterly ranked him as the 4th most liberal Republican in the House and he marched in lockstep with the Democratic majority all through their first 100 hours’ legislation, so perhaps you can see why mainstream politicians and media refer to him as a moderate. But, it depends on your perspective. If your views are way left, then a liberal Republican is still just a Republican. If your views are way right, then a liberal Republican is no different than a Democrat.

  14. jason330 says:

    Same old Castle apologetics. Look at his votes on the Iraq war. Aside from one non-binding resolution he is in lockstep with Bush.

    Prior to the Democratic Congress he voted with the Republican majority on 8 out of ten close votes.

    Does he know how to throw a crumb to dummies like dh? Yes.

    Does he cover his ass when he votes with Bush? Yes.

    Does the record show that he is a moderate? HELL NO!

  15. anon says:

    Castle knows how to play the “moderate game” by voting with the Democrats only on things that are doomed anyway, or that the Republicans really don’t care about anyway.

    Do you think Republicans REALLY shed a tear over passage of the minimum wage increase? Which hasn’t even been presented to Bush yet?

    But Castle is with the Bushies on everything that is most dear to their heart – tax policy, corporate welfare, war and torture, civil liberties.

    Castle has done everything to prop up Bush and nothing to rein him in.

  16. jason330 says:

    Well put. I think dh is Wenky.

  17. dh says:

    I never said whether or not I even approve of Castle as my representative. I was just amused by the fact that Jason was sucking some wingnut’s popsicle because he hated Castle for being a moderate. Meanwhile Jason doesn’t even acknowledge that Castle has a moderate record. It’s just a lovely little circle-jerk of hypocrisy and absolutism.

  18. jason330 says:

    Meanwhile Jason doesn’t even acknowledge that Castle has a moderate record.

    Yep. In the same I way I don’t acknowledge that 2 plus 2 equals 5.

    If some wingnut buys Castle Inc’s PR that he is a moderate and decides not to vote for him on that grounds – great. That’s all I’m saying.

  19. dh says:

    “Yep. In the same I way I don’t acknowledge that 2 plus 2 equals 5.”

    I was thinking more in the same way that the Christian right doesn’t acknowledge evolution. You know, just ignoring what the vast majority of experts and the public think, living in your own little bubble, and generally just making things up as you go along.

  20. jason330 says:

    dh –

    The fact that “experts” like Celia Cohen call Castle a moderate is not evidence. You are the victim of a logical fallacy known as an “appeal to authority.”

    I guess if you had any real evidence of Castle’s moderation you’d disclose it. Until then insisting that “everyone says he is a moderate so he must be a moderate” is not cutting it.

  21. dh says:

    Thank you for the Intro to Philosophy refresher.

    I’ll notify evolution-deniers, global warming skeptics, and members of the flat earth society that they have your support.

  22. dh says:

    “I guess if you had any real evidence of Castle’s moderation you’d disclose it.”

    I don’t know. Attempting to prove that a Republican with liberal views on abortion, gun control, stem cell research, immigration, the environment, energy policy, and education (to name a few) sounds like a pretty arduous task. I don’t know if I’m up to it.

  23. dh says:

    But keep looking around as I’m sure there are a few more wingnuts out there who would love to have you suck on their popsicles a little because they don’t like Castle since he’s such a liberal maverick.

  24. 4th most liberal in the House under Tom Delay? that speaks for itself.

    The fact that he was with the DEMs in the 11th hour of the GOP DC meltdown? Bid Deal.

  25. grrrrrrrrrrrr

  26. jason330 says:

    I don’t know if I’m up to it.

    I didn’t think so.

    If you can come up with an instance of Castle’s famous “MODERATION” maing a real difference on any one of those issues I’ll happily agree that you were right and I was wrong all along.

  27. jason330 says:

    Aaaaaanyway –

    You allow that it is only Castle’s “views” that are liberal so that is game set and match and it is not my intention to further embarrass you dh, so I’ll drop this and go onto something I’ve been wondering about.

    You say maybe Castle was not your first choice – certainly you are smart enough to have avoided voting for Bush, so what is your deal?

    Are you one of those non-partisan Carper/Biden staffers who operate on a higher plane of existence from us mere mortals?

    Are you just slumming on the blog for kicks – like some white bread frat boy going into a bar on the black side of town?