Delaware Liberal

Which type of Republican are you?

If you are a Republican reader of Delawareliberal you are one of three possible types of Republicans.

You are either a:

These categories are self explanatory but for the sake of clarity I’ll give examples of each type.

Criminal Republicans are those people directly involved with this administration. I’m tempted to put Dave Crossan in that category for his eagerness to bring Rovian style campaigning here to Delaware and the direct benefit he received (for a while) by doing so. Even so – he is probably just a collaborator.

Bush Collaborator Republicans comprise, by far, the largest group of Republicans. Dave Burris, Hube, Mike Castle, and almost every other Republican you can think of who did not get any direct benefit or employment from the Bush administration but who “went along to get along” over the past six years in spite of their head and heart telling them that Bush is at best incompetent and at worst a criminal.

To a greater or lesser degree all of these people would have had their heads shaved by angry mobs if we were Dutch. It does not give me joy to point this out – but fact are facts and these people know in their hearts that I am right.

Bush Resistor Republicans are a vanishing small group of people who worked or spoke out strongly against George Bush. Tyler Nixon is the only local who comes to mind. Nationally, Chuck Hagel might fit the bill.

“I am not happy with the Republican Party today,” Hagel said. “It’s been hijacked by a group of single-minded almost isolationists, insulationists, power-projectors.”

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