Delaware Liberal

And now a word from your vice pResident…

From Cheney’s interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier:

“QUESTION: On the debate about Iraq at home, do you believe that someone who opposes the war wants terrorists to win?

“THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think they have to be responsible for the consequences of the policy recommendations they make. If, in fact, they advocate complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, then they are, to some extent, accountable for what would happen when that policy followed, what happens inside Iraq, what kind of encouragement that might give to al Qaeda. . . .

“So if you’re going to be a public official advocating withdrawal from Iraq, you, in fact, are also saying that what you’re recommending is validating the al Qaeda strategy.”

so who thinks we should call Castle’s office and find out if he supports this stance?  I personally think we should.  Maybe I will do that tomorrow….whadya think?

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