Freedom of the press?

Filed in National by on May 15, 2007

Who would agree this is the way the current administration would like to handle things in the US?

BAGHDAD (AFP) – Iraq’s interior ministry has decided to bar news photographers and cameramen from the scenes of bomb attacks, operations director Brigadier General Abdel Karim Khalaf said Sunday. His announcement was the latest in a series of attempts to curtail press coverage of the ongoing conflict, which has already attracted criticism from international human rights bodies

Wasn’t Dick Cheney just over there applying pressure to their government? hmmmmmm

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    If only censuring pictures of Bush’s FUBAR war could make it stop being FUBAR.

  2. Chris says:

    If only the media had an interest in showing the good things that go on in Iraq, but then again, we would run the risk of Bush taking credit for good stuff too. Can’t have that. Doesn’t fit in with the media’s “philosophy”.

  3. jason330 says:

    Oh yeah – the good things. All those good things that the press is not covering.


    I heard a school was painted on the other side of that pile of thrity dead bodies.

  4. Chris says:

    “I heard a school was painted on the other side of that pile of thirty dead bodies.”

    I keep forgetting. Every town in Iraq has thousands of bodies stacked up like cord wood.

    Even YOU can surely understand that while things are bad, those things are limited to a few key areas in a couple of cities. The rest of the country is actually enjoying a period of relative peace and not worried about the represive regime we routed. But again, if the average Americans heard those stories too, they might not be so much against the war and that would not serve your purpose. Sorry for that…

  5. donviti says:

    good things? Oh like the increased production of IED’s. Or the ineffective government to pass any legislation since they came into office?

    or how about the migration of 2 million iraqi’s?

    Oh, wait I know I was thinking the great infrastructure they built that siphons off raw sewage into the Tigris?

    how about the increase in kidnappings?

    wait, wait I know…how about the 1 in 20 infant mortality rate?

    oh, how about the lack of clean water?

    I know the fact that only 2/3rds of the army report for duty!

    How about the surge in Id cards? Most Iraqi’s carry 2 these days one that says they are sunni and one for shia so they are murdered

    Oh, how about the al qaeda cells that now call baghdad home?

    I got it, maybe the Christian women that are jailed for being…well, christian?

    I was thinking that the unemployment rate in the teens was swell too

    I also was glad to hear that baghdad gets electricty about 50% of the day

    yep, things are great Chris. That awful media

  6. donviti says:

    dude, seriously I usually enjoy your crap but not today man, that liberal media bias shit is such, well, shit. spare me.

    when more journalists have been killed there than any other war things aren’t right.

    when the VP steps off the plane in body armour…they aren’t in their last throes