Markell vs. Carney Averted? I call bullshit.

Filed in National by on May 16, 2007

There is no reason to believe that Delaware’s top blogger, Celia Cohen, is simply pulling this out of her ass, so let’s say she is right and

Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr. and Treasurer Jack A. Markell, rivals for the 2008 Democratic nomination for governor, have discussed a deal that would have Carney running for governor and Markell for lieutenant governor,

If it is true it makes some sense (aside fromt he part about Markell getting the lt governor spot and Carney the Gov spot).
Political insiders hate primaries.

But then you read this…

The efforts to prevent a political collision between Carney and Markell appear to have begun about two months ago and intensified within the last week. Much of the brokering is credited to U.S. Sen. Thomas R. Carper.

…and you hear the sound of a record needle screaching across the LP.

Why would Tom Carper broker a deal that did not involve either Markell or Carney knocking off the doddering and useless Michael Castle? Isn’t it Carper’s job to help recruit candidates? If what Celia Cohen has written about Tom Carper is true, then I call bullshit on the whole deal.

Carper should be twisting arms – but trying to get Matt Denn to move aside so Markell to take the Lt. Governor Job when either Carney OR Markell could easily defeat Castle is pure BULLSHIT. Hell – MATT DENN could beat Castle if Carper backed him. (I mean really backed him, not that bullshit backing he gave to Spivack.)

And as for the notion that anyone is scared of “Happy” Alan Levin, give me a break.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. anon says:

    Happy Harry has dozens of teal-and-concrete strips with mud running down from their hastily bulldozed embankments all over Delaware that give testimony to why he should not be governor.

  2. anon says:

    … and Carper: Stay the hell out of Delaware politics; go cast some more votes for torture or war funding or some such.

  3. jason330 says:

    Here here. The one at the end of my street is an eyesore.

  4. I don’t believe Happy Harry’s owns the centers they are in. I believe they are a leased tenant, not a developer.

    Keep trying, though.

  5. tommywonk says:

    When considering worries of a Carney/Markell primary, consider the source. Who is more concerned about a primary battle? It might help to think of John Carney and Jack Markell in terms of inside game and outside game. John has the stronger inside game; Jack has the stronger outside game.

    But either way, the idea that a primary contest would hurt the chances of the eventual nominee is hardly credible when Delaware is turning increasingly blue, and the GOP is back to square one, and looking for a nominee whose name isn’t Protack.

  6. Rebecca says:

    This is an interesting senario and it would be good for Delaware Democrats, but I don’t see it happening.

    The reason nobody from the “A” team wants to run against Castle is that being the U.S. Representative from Delaware is a crappy job. You are the only-est one, there’s no natural power base, you can’t leverage your way onto the important committees, chances are very slim that you will ever chair a committee, and even if your party is in power you’ve got nothing much to trade to get your legislation passed. If banking is your bag it’s okay, but otherwise it’s just plain boring. The best you can do is march with the ranks, collect your check, put in your years to your pension and retire as an elder statesman. (Sound familiar?) If you’ve got any executive skills, ambition, or fire in your belly to make a difference, being Delaware’s Congressman will make you crazy.

    So, if you are an “A” team candidate why would you risk losing to Castle for a job that really, really sucks? Not to mention being away from your young family night after night and riding the Acela to work. These guys didn’t get to be the “A” team because they are dumb.

  7. jason330 says:

    I don’t believe Happy Harry’s owns the centers they are in.

    They have a uniformn design esthetic that uniformly shitty. They look cheap and thrown up for a quick buck – which is I guess the sensibility your guy will bring with him to public service.

    Rebecca –

    I get that excuse for Markell – but it sounds like the kind of job that Carney would be good at. The larger point is that CARPER appears to be protecting Castle.

  8. Disbelief says:

    I think Denn would be rather pissed to be kicked out to make room for anyone. He doesn’t seem like the type to quit once the goal is decided. I will agree that he could beat Castle, though. In fact, I can’t figure out why he’s running for Lt. Gov. in the first place. However, the Lt. Gov. job allows a salary from real work to be earned while still holding this part-time office.

    As to the GOP candidate: Levin who?

  9. Disbelief says:

    Dem Dream Team
    Markell – Governor
    Carney – Representative
    Denn – Insurance Commissioner
    Blunt – Lt. Gov.

    GOP Groupf*ck
    Still – Governor
    Feroce – Lt. Governor
    Schaeffer – Treasurer (hahahahaha)

  10. Mike Protack says:

    First time here.

    I have to weigh in for 2008. As I said on other sites the GOP is going through deja vu.

    To win in 2008, a GOP candidate needs 80% of Republicans, 35% of democrats and 60% of independents. One must do real big in Kent and Sussex and limit the damage in New Castle County. No GOP challenger has done that in over 14 years.

    Again, big resumes and big check books have failed us in the past because we ignore the fact that the majority of voters don’t care about a resume` or your millions even of you might be the better candidate.

    Let me close by saying a GOP candidate must do well with union affiliation voters who are 1 of every 4-5 voters.

    Stay tuned.

  11. jason330 says:

    Welcome Mike.

    I think you are right about the GOP not learning from past mistakes. Not only are they fine with being wrong in the same ways over and over again. They seem to get off on it.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    ummm. Mike, you have commented 13 times on this blog. The windmills are new, but it’s still us crazies. Jetlag much?

  13. anon says:

    I don’t believe Happy Harry’s owns the centers they are in. I believe they are a leased tenant, not a developer.

    smacks forehead Oh, of COURSE! That makes ALL the difference! Now all the Republicans have to do is hire a lawyer to follow Levin around and explain that at every campaign speech. That’ll work!!

    Incidentally, leasing instead of buying was a stupid business decision. The land business has been better than the pharmacy business since those atrocities started going up.

  14. kavips says:

    I hope everyone understands that this is said simply for the humor (groan) behind it. I’ve been watching on the sidelines, just hoping someone else would have the courage to step up and say it, but alas, it did not happen.

    “There is succinct irony in the upcoming GOP governor’s race this year. Mike Protack, in one of his fifty points, actually has a viable plan that if followed, would stop the flow of money from drugs. Levin, or the junior Happy Harry candidate, on the other hand,is being propelled by a fortune which was derived no less….. from selling them……….

  15. kavips says:

    As to Celia’s comment, I don’t buy it. If true, I would like to see the numbers that were laid down in front of Markell, were he to truly decide to wait another 8 years for his shot at running this state.

    The numbers he was shown, would be those of organized labor. Markell however has a large support system himself, of dedicated democrats who tend to consider themselves idealists, as well as a lot of favors from elected officials who used his campaign workers on lit drops in each of their districts.

    The numbers actually lie in Markell’s favor: there are 5.6 times more Democratic voters than there are organized Union members who tend to follow their union’s choice, regardless of party. (aka..Spence, Conner ). What was laid down, most likely, was the worst case scenario of those voters willing to vote on PRIMARY DAY! The union, of course, would draw from membership in PA and NJ and Carney signs would be out in force.

    If the election fell on a nice day, Markell’s supporters would be at the beach………

  16. jason330 says:

    MArkell says “no deal” in today’s NJ.

    I still have have a BIG problem with Tom Carper covering for Castle through all of this.

    Carper’s loyalty is to his buddies like Castle and Lieberman first, and Democrats somewhere way down the line.

  17. Disbelief says:

    Carper reminds me of Dole’s characterization of Nixon’s character: “Its not the fact that you’re surprised he’s been successful in politics; your amazed he would have entered politics in the first place.” Very strange dude.

  18. Rebecca says:

    I find Carper fascinating. I keep telling myself that he knows something that I don’t, but I’m darned if I can figure out what it is. Maybe he is sincerely committed to The Third Way in spite of empirical evidence. I dunno.

    One thing I’ll say in his favor. He meets with his constituents. He may not agree but he spends his time to listen. That’s more than you will get on the 20th Floor of the UBC building where you have to wade through the presidential-fairy-dust to get in the door.

  19. donviti says:

    who’s mike protack?

  20. Dem Dream Team
    Markell – Governor
    Carney – Representative
    Denn – Insurance Commissioner
    Blunt – Lt. Gov.

    In a perfect world!!!