Delaware Liberal

Markell vs. Carney Averted? I call bullshit.

There is no reason to believe that Delaware’s top blogger, Celia Cohen, is simply pulling this out of her ass, so let’s say she is right and

Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr. and Treasurer Jack A. Markell, rivals for the 2008 Democratic nomination for governor, have discussed a deal that would have Carney running for governor and Markell for lieutenant governor,

If it is true it makes some sense (aside fromt he part about Markell getting the lt governor spot and Carney the Gov spot).
Political insiders hate primaries.

But then you read this…

The efforts to prevent a political collision between Carney and Markell appear to have begun about two months ago and intensified within the last week. Much of the brokering is credited to U.S. Sen. Thomas R. Carper.

…and you hear the sound of a record needle screaching across the LP.

Why would Tom Carper broker a deal that did not involve either Markell or Carney knocking off the doddering and useless Michael Castle? Isn’t it Carper’s job to help recruit candidates? If what Celia Cohen has written about Tom Carper is true, then I call bullshit on the whole deal.

Carper should be twisting arms – but trying to get Matt Denn to move aside so Markell to take the Lt. Governor Job when either Carney OR Markell could easily defeat Castle is pure BULLSHIT. Hell – MATT DENN could beat Castle if Carper backed him. (I mean really backed him, not that bullshit backing he gave to Spivack.)

And as for the notion that anyone is scared of “Happy” Alan Levin, give me a break.

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