Delaware Liberal

My Take on Falwell

I just saw that while I was doing other things, I was called out by HubeHube and I had a huge debate about Louis Farrakhan a few weeks ago when I said that I didn’t hate Farrakhan.  Hube thought that it would be OK to hate him.  Today Hube called me out for being happy about Falwells death.  This despite any commentary by me.

I will set the record straight.  I am no fan of Jerry Falwell, but I am saddened to see anyone die.  Falwell created a debate about issues that I may not have felt as strongly about without his vitriol to create the contrast.  I also blogged about his Liberty University and the feelings that it evoked in me.  I have tried real hard to control the anger that welled in me when I heard him speak and when he used Christianity to create fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Larry Flynt and Jerry Falwell together broke new legal ground and paved the way (partially) for what we are doing here today.  For the record, Larry Flynt also appreciates this aspect of Falwell’s legacy.  Call me old-fashioned, but I am going to let Jerry rest without me spitting on his grave.  I only hope that Pat Robertson lives long enough for me to savage him for every moronic, hateful and licentious remark that he makes for the next 20 years.

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