While we mark the death of a bigot in the Media

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 16, 2007

Blackanthem Military News, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Three U.S. Army soldiers died in Iraq [Tuesday, may 15] and two others were killed [Monday, May 14], military officials reported, and the Defense Department identified a previous casualty.

but sure attack the shallowness of our exhultations….

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    One more thing about Falwell that I did not like was the fact that he was pro-Iraq war.

  2. anon says:

    He was pro-Armageddon.

  3. jason330 says:

    Which is another thing I don’t like about Bush. I don’t mind having a President that believes in the rapture – but I don’t like having a President who is working to hasten it.

  4. Chris says:

    “but I don’t like having a President who is working to hasten it.”

    Then don’t move to Iran. Their president, whom we are supposed to have open diplomacy with, believes that is his role in life…and freely tells people that. Now he has the capability for Nukes. So Jason, should be ignore him too?

  5. jason330 says:

    Now he has the capability for Nukes.

    Links please. If this is another one of those “Saddam has drones that can deliver a nuke to NYC” type deals I may not reply at all.

  6. Chris says:

    I am assuming that Time magazine isn’t a right wing spin rag…right?

    “On a visit last month to Tehran, International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei announced he had discovered that Iran was constructing a facility to enrich uranium — a key component of advanced nuclear weapons — near Natanz. But diplomatic sources tell TIME the plant is much further along than previously revealed. The sources say work on the plant is “extremely advanced” and involves “hundreds” of gas centrifuges ready to produce enriched uranium and “the parts for a thousand others ready to be assembled.”


  7. kavips says:


    It would be sad if Iran detonates a nuclear weapon, for real, because Americans were impervious to caring, having been proven wrong in Iraq, with nuclear weapons, “We had it all wrong”, and with Powell’s poison gas analysis before the UN, )(the trailers he pointed to turned out to make hydrogen for weather balloons). Ho hum, America yawns. Here those two buffoons go again…

    But if the mushroom cloud should ever appear, the blame lies at Dick Cheney’s feet, for calling “wolf” so many times before.

  8. donviti says:


    having nukes and having advanced research are two different things. they are still years away from having anything.

    but hey, all the more reason to ask where are they in Iraq? and since there aren’t any, who was the real threat to us all along?

  9. Disbelief says:

    “They have donkeys, which can theoretically be used to transport ‘nukular’ weapons, which they might not have yet, to ‘Merika, after they teach the donkeys to swim, which reliable sources at the YMCA pool tell us is happening, and we don’t need Muslims at the YMCA either”.

    “Therefore, in the interest of your own security we are suspending the first five clauses of the Constitution, which, if you don’t agree with, pretty much makes you a Communist; or a Muslin; somethin’ bad.”

  10. The Professor says:

    I have a coconut and some string. I’ll build a shortwave radio and a bomb with which to attack ‘merika too.

  11. oedipa maas says:

    Time Magazine has unnecessarily sensationalized the IAEA report. Certainly the enriched uranium is the key bit of a certain type of nuclear bomb, but it is also the key bit for fuel rods for power plants.

    The items of concern to the IAEA is that Iran has vastly more centrifuges than originally thought (by a factor of 10), but the IAEA also admits that they are producing small levels of fuel quality uranium.

    Fuel quality uranium is only enriched about 10-15% or so. Bomb quality uranium needs to be darned close to 100% U. Enrichment to 100%U is very difficult and is the thing to watch.

    That said, I do think that the Iranians will get their bomb one day. There are no good reasons for them to stop and plenty (ask N Korea, India and Pakistan) to have them. And I don’t think that is a good thing. But the technology is easier to reproduce (if you’ve enough money) than you’d think.