Eww.. Castle County Sprawl Makes the Front Page

Filed in National by on May 17, 2007

So here is my new zoning law.

No more of this & If someone thinks that this is what a drug store should look like,


then that person does not have the judgement required to be Governor.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. Again, tenant, not developer.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Dave, great work downstate in the special election. But Romney for President and Levin for Governor? What are you smoking?

  3. Dis — People said Hastings couldn’t win. He did.

    People say Romney can’t win, but all of a sudden he’s #1 in NH, MI, and IA without nearly the name ID of McCain and Giuliani.

    Maybe I see things a little differently than some, but I like to think I have an idea what I’m talking about.

  4. anon says:

    Maybe I see things a little differently than some, but I like to think I have an idea what I’m talking about.

    Enjoy it while it lasts…

  5. Mike Protack says:

    The issue is credibility not your resume`. Having made millions in health care while others don’t have it or see their costs go up doesn’t help. Worrying about a job when you sold your Delaware company to make millions for yourself will turn people off also.

    I go back to the 80%/35%/60% formula. Also, I know I can do it.

  6. “Worrying about a job when you sold your Delaware company to make millions for yourself will turn people off also.”

    Not after the way he took care of his employees on the way out. He created the jobs and took care of his people. He can legitimately go to the people of Delaware and say “I know how to create thousands of jobs and take care of working people.”

    After all of the quality job losses the state has seen, I imagine that will be attractive.

  7. Bull shite that the atrociously ugly HH marts that have erupted across our county like pimples were not orchestrated by Levin.

  8. Prove it, Nancy.

    You like to throw stuff out there.

    Prove it.

  9. Disbelief says:

    He’s not going to create jobs in Delaware by opening up government run pharmacies. Hell, Minner could make the same claim: “I’m going to create jobs in Delaware by creating opportunities for tow-truck drivers.”

    Also; quality jobs at the pharmacy? uh, the pharmacist. Everyone else gets minimum.

  10. anon says:

    Bull shite that the atrociously ugly HH marts that have erupted across our county like pimples were not orchestrated by Levin.

    ZIMMERMAN: Hey, guess what! I just built another concrete castle with teal trim and a giant parking lot!

    LEVIN: Really? No way! That is so cool! I wonder if I could fit another Happy Harry’s in there – do you think you have room for us? Can I fill out an application?

  11. Brud Lee says:

    Is that really all you have so far? The color of the shopping center that the business he used to own has space in is unattractive?

    Whatever happened to opposition research?

  12. anonymous says:

    FSP, do you have any f***ing clue what Levin is all about? Or are wealth and business “success” enough for you to drop a load and start panting their name?

    Sorry but I am not buying. Old Al better start working his fat ass off explaining what his plans for the state are…not his political career plans. I don’t give a rat’s ass he sucked up to Roth as a lark or made a bunch of money from his daddy. These are not public services.

    An unknown stepping out of the shadows to massive acclaim by the same idiots who have wrecked the GOP year after year (you excluded) is going to have my default OPPOSITION. It will only be overcome with a lot of substance not a bunch of desperate bandwagon piling on by sycophants whose razzle dazzle no one is buying.

    The same old Republican stereotype candidate : fat, wealthy, white, country club, conservative, licking the chamber of commerce ass, double talker aint gonna produce anything but the usual 38-42% at best. Bill Lee bucked this trend and could have won except he sold his soul to the insiders who are suddenly all about Levin now.

    Think outside the box for a change. The only person who can win as an R is one who bucks hated GOP stereotypes with extreme prejudices. Another spoon fed daddy’s boy with politcal ambitions who spent all his time getting rich for himself only validates them.

    No one cares Levin took care of his employees. They want to know what he has done in his life that didn’t have his personal interest attached. In his case I doubt there is much.

  13. anon says:

    Good to see the GOP is taking advice about how to win Governor from people named Lee and Burris.

    How’d that work out for you?

  14. steamboat willy says:

    the reflexive attacks are funny.

    oh no!

    he’s WHITE!!! (like Markel & Carney)

    he’s RICH!!! (like Markel (& Carney ain’t poor)

    he likes TEAL!!!

  15. anon. says:

    Burris and Lee sucked!! ’nuff said

  16. No one cares Levin took care of his employees. They want to know what he has done in his life that didn’t have his personal interest attached. In his case I doubt there is much.

    I suggest a survey of how things are in the new HAPPY~Walgreen~Harry’s before you start in on any much more cheerleading. Now that daddy’s boy sold out how are relations between the aggressive big business and staff?

    Or ask customers. I have heard how crappy things are on the pharmacy end now.

  17. stereotype candidate : fat,
    fat cat?
    who’s fat?

  18. “Old Al better start working his fat ass off explaining what his plans for the state are…not his political career plans.”

    He’s not even a candidate yet.

    What are Carney’s plans?

    What are Markell’s plans?

    They’re already there. What are they doing right now to fix the problems?

    “Another spoon fed daddy’s boy with politcal ambitions who spent all his time getting rich for himself only validates them.”

    The guy took a modest business and grew it exponentially and paid a living to thousands of people.

    Carney has worked for the government his entire career. He always knew his paycheck would be there. He always knew his health care was covered. It creates a mentality that is not conducive to better government.

    How does he speak for the average person?

    “No one cares Levin took care of his employees.”

    I disagree. And I imagine those employees disagree, too.

  19. “Burris and Lee sucked!! ’nuff said”

    Profound. I am in awe.

  20. anon says:

    “The guy took a modest business”

    Correction : was handed (INHERITED) a multimillion dollar business

    “and grew it exponentially and paid a living to thousands of people.”

    CORRECTION : that thousands of people built for him so they could earn a modest living until he sold it down the river to a mega pharmacy.

    Just sayin.

  21. donviti says:

    is this the same happy harry’s son that had some drug problems growing up and was in and out of a few rehabs?

    or is there another one?

  22. “that thousands of people built for him so they could earn a modest living until he sold it down the river to a mega pharmacy.”

    You’re right. It would have been much better had those people not had jobs. We probably ought to close all of the small businesses in the state so no one gets rich. Then, the state can hire everyone they don’t already employ and we can all be happy!

    Work for you?

  23. anon says:

    I see you didn’t disagree with the 1st correction.

    No one faults him for his riches. But please spare us the ridiculous fairy tale spin. He aint no rags to riches. He is riches to more riches which tells you jack squat about why he deserves to be Governor.

    How he spent his life and riches to acquire himself more riches might make you and him think he should be governor. Good luck selling it to voters.

  24. No one said he was rags to riches. But he did grow his business by leaps and bounds. What that is is evidence of success. He could have fallen flat on his face, but he thrived.

    Where is Carney’s evidence of success? Why should we believe that he can be successful as Governor?

    This has nothing to do with who has the most money. Carney ain’t poor. Markell really ain’t poor.

    You think they’re statewide elected officials out of their concern for others?


  25. is this the same happy harry’s son that had some drug problems growing up and was in and out of a few rehabs?

    or is there another one?

    the looooong memories of the Delaware-born!

  26. You think they’re statewide elected officials out of their concern for others?


    interesting comment from someone who has a family member within that framework

  27. You’re right. It would have been much better had those people not had jobs. We probably ought to close all of the small businesses in the state so no one gets rich. Then, the state can hire everyone they don’t already employ and we can all be happy!

    Work for you?

    Dave, you don’t know from Happy Harry’s now do you, it was solely a northern NCC phenomenon until recently.

    My mom dug HH’s. We lived a few miles from the first one. Their sales were absolutely legandary! And so was Harry Levin. He was pretty damn cool; a great entrepreneur, successfully competing with the Eckerds on Concord Pike. Suburban pharmacy/convenience stores was the wave of the future in prescription dispersion.

    Certainly, US society consumes a gadzillion more legal drugs now-a-days.

  28. Nancy, if you weren’t real I’d have to invent you, just for the pure entertainment value.

  29. donviti says:

    I would like someone to answer my question…i was serious.

    is this the same heir to happy harry’s that I heard rumors about when he was younger had a well known drug problem?

  30. jason330 says:

    I have no idea. But I think Bush made snorting coke okay. I mean it is not a deal breaker for GOPers like multiple divorces, er… I mean

    oh forget it.

  31. donviti says:

    I got my answer…it was a different drug chain’s son in delaware.