Is Carper a Delaware Democrat

Filed in National by on May 17, 2007

how the heck is it that Biden voted for a deadline and Carper didn’t?
Sen. Tom Carper, D.-Del., voted to continue providing funds to wage war in Iraq.

 WTF?  Can someone get on the horn and try to get a statement from this guy?  ok, I’ll do it! and I’m using my Del Lib press pass again!  I just don’t think it is right for him to vote against something that is obvious the majority of this country want. 

Why was he re elected again?

UPDATE: I asked if he has a statement why he voted against a timetable in Iraq as opposed to Biden voting for one.  I said I was calling for  and they said they would have someone call me back….MORE TO doubt they are visiting the site right now…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Tyler Nixon says:

    He is a Carpercrat.

  2. donviti says:

    he is no doubt wondering why someone is calling that is for sure. I guess when you vote and people don’t hold you accountable you don’t have to have a statment prepared for why you vote against what a majority wants.

    oh, and Hi Tom…. (picture me waving at monitor)

    hope your foot is healed up, you are going to need 2 good feet to run away from accountability.

  3. hope your foot is healed up, you are going to need 2 good feet to run away from accountability.

    run away Tommy

  4. donviti says:

    it looks like his office called me back and I missed the call…work is getting in the way of this blog!

  5. I went to Carper’s website to see if he had a statement in defense of his DINO-ass vote but there was nothing there.