Delaware Liberal

Someone at DEL DEM HQ is going to get a very stern talking to from Tom Carper

Wow. Someone at Del Dem went over Tom Carper’s head on this one.


Castle Calls Port Security “Crucial” After Vote Against Port Security Funding

Mike Castle’s Voting Record Belies His Public Statements on Port Security

NEW CASTLE, DE— Less than a week after voting, yet again, against funding for port security, Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) called the security measures “crucial.”

“Mike Castle clearly wants to have it both ways, telling his constituents here in Delaware that port security is ‘crucial,’ but voting against port security funding while he’s in Washington,” said Molly Jurusik, Executive Director of the Delaware Democratic Party. “It’s time for Mike Castle to stop playing partisan games and support much-needed funding for port security.”


Castle: port operations security is “crucial.” Castle called it “crucial that we ensure other modes of transportation like rail, transit and port operations are secure.” [Delaware Online, 5/15/07]

Castle voted against $190 million in Port Security Grants. Castle voted three times, including one vote less than a week before his statement in support of port safety, against $190 million in Port Security Grants. [HR 2206, Vote #333, 5/10/07; HR 1591, Vote #276, 5/2/07; HR 1591, Vote #265, 4/25/07; Summary of the Fiscal 2007 Supplemental Funding Legislation]

Castle also voted against $115 million containers screening. Castle voted against $115 million for the Secure Freight Initiative and SAFE Port Act to develop technology for and aid in container screening. [HR 2206, Vote #333, 5/10/07; HR 1591, Vote #276, 5/2/07; HR 1591, Vote #265, 4/25/07; Summary of the Fiscal 2007 Supplemental Funding Legislation

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