Matt Denn lays it down in an open letter to the four agencies charged with endorsing the PSC findings which was published today in the Delaware State News.
Statistical evidence provided to the commission indicates that the choice of wind-power would result in fewer premature deaths, fewer hospital visits and fewer asthma attacks.
It is simply common sense that a primary power generation source with virtually no emissions would be better for the health of Delawareans than ones that emit tons of pollutants.
Denn goes on to bitch slap Delmarva around. Warning them, in no uncertain terms, to negotiate in good faith.
The fact that Delmarva was cudgeled by public opinion into agreeing to negotiations provides little comfort. Delamrva’s initial reaction suggests that these negotiations will be little more than an ill-fated Kabuki dance, leaving Delawareans in the same precarious state that we are in today. (snip)
…if Delmarva fails to act in good faith, I hope and expect that the PSC will step in and exercises its statutory authority to negotiate on Delmarva’s behalf. This issue is too important to the physical and economic health of Delawareans to be left in the hands of a company that has shown disdain for the entire process.
Dana deflates the myth that those terrible “unions” that Al Mascitti rails against favor old dirty coal. In fact they favor the Bluewater Wind proposal.
“We are proud to stand with our union brothers in the AFLCIO in support of Bluewater Wind’s application to provide clean, reliable and stable priced energy to Delmarva Power & Light.
We support Bluewater Wind’s application because they are the only applicant that can guarantee their prices for 25 years and no new pollution created. As representatives of working families, price stability and dean air are important to us.