Delaware Liberal

We have gotten away from something here

I had a post last week that asked who we are at war with and why are we in Iraq but we I seem to have been pulled away from the central reason we are in Iraq.

Jason, courtesy of Kavips tries to real us back in here but we still sit here arguing with some regulars about this ridiculous war in Iraq, terrorism in general and if Iran has nukes.

Lest anyone forgets, Iraq is sitting on a pretty big supply of a million year old Dinosaur shit and Exxon, Shell and few other small oil fella’s are wringing their hands around thier phallic looking model drilling machines just waiting to sink them into to some oiled up Iraqi hole.

While we sit here and debate with people that think we just need to instill democracy over there and our job is done, the media and myself included have not mentioned big oil in quite a while.  I can’t remember the last time I saw a report about what is going on with this oil sharing agreement.  In fact I know I haven’t. 

HELLLOOOOO people, Iraq has fucking OIL in case you forgot.  They have the something like the 3rd largest suppy of oil.  And not that shitty Venezuelan crude that takes forever to filter, the good stuff, the reall good stuff actually…and oh, hey! look, I just paid $3 a gallon to fill up….

I’m so thankful soldiers are dying in Iraq to keep me from being blown up by a crazed muslim that could stroll across the border any freaking minute of the day he wanted too.  Geez I’m just soooo glad that 3 soldiers died by an IED that surely would have been set off on Delaware Ave yesterday.  

 I’m so glad we spent $450,000,000,000.00 making me safer over here.  Everyday I wake up and thank Bush for letting US citizens die in Iraq so they don’t have to die in United States.  Thanks homey! 

shhhhh don’t tell

 anyone but, IRAQ HAS FUCKIN


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