Delaware Liberal

Soulmates, Sexless Lovers or Food?

Check out Alan Loudel on the notion that Tom Carper would really work for ANYONE (Sean Barney, Jack Markell, John Carney, Ted Blunt, Matt Denn, His Wife, Ghandi, Jesus) running against Michael Castle.

And speaking of Mike Castle, I realize some Delaware Democrats desperately want Senator Carper to broker a deal where Carney or Markell (it is assumed Markell) would run against Castle for ’08. Fat chance. They may be of opposite parties, but Carper and Castle are rather like Bush and Tony Blair… soulmates.

Sure, he’d mouth the words and express solidarity for the “D’s”, but I cannot fathom Tom Carper actively, energetically, enthusiastically working for the defeat of Mike Castle.

But I can think of one scenerio in which Carper would “actively, energetically, enthusiastically” work for the defeat of Mike Castle.” He would do it if it benefited Tom Carper.

Carper is at heart a Carperist. If it looked like he could benefit from helping defeat Castle he would do it in a blink. Alan Loudel seems to forget that Carper’s run against Roth came out of the blue and was regarded by Roth as treachery at the time in view of Carper’s many years of making public statements praising the elder statesman.

But when it was right for Carper – WHAM! He delivered the death blow with the all sentimentality of a shark ripping the head off a seal.

Mentioning Sean Barney reminded me that this song/video makes me happy. (Warning: the “F” word is used by John McClain)


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