That darn liberal media again

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 18, 2007

BAGHDAD, May 17 — More than 60 people were killed and dozens wounded in mortar strikes, drive-by shootings, roadside explosions, suicide bombings and other violent attacks in Iraq on Thursday, as a new study warned that the country was close to becoming a “failed state.”

wait a sec…it’s, it’s not just the liberal media!  it’s those darn liberal foreign policy research institutes too!   

A report released Thursday by Chatham House, a foreign policy research center in Britain, challenged the notion that violence in Iraq has subsided since the buildup of U.S. troops, saying, for instance, that car bombings had not diminished and arguing that radical groups were simply lying low. “It can be argued that Iraq is on the verge of being a failed state which faces the distinct possibility of collapse and fragmentation,” the report said.

now read closely people, b/c I’m sure you missed it.  PEOPLE were killed, you know, human beings…but not Americans…gee so you mean to tell me that the Iraqi’s are killing each other?  That muslims are killing muslims?  NOoooooo, wait that just can’t be, that would mean…gasp, we are over there in the middle of civil war?…nahhhhh

 damn you liberal media! damn you to hell!

just for you Chris,

from the same wapo article…

In addition, he said, the bodies of 13 men who had been tortured and shot were found in and around Baghdad on Thursday.

anytime you are ready for that lunch let me know 🙂

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hiding in the open

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