Delaware Liberal

Tell Mike Castle To Stop Playing Games With Our Troops

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Okay, the good news. The DCCC has a real “get Castle” jones going. I thought the DCCC’s interest in Castle might abate over time, but it is not. They really seem to be onto Castle’s shit ass voting record and what it could mean for him in 18 months.

Here is a press release the DCCC sent out Thursday, May 17th.

Today, Representative Mike Castle joined Republicans’ temper tantrum which ground business on the floor of the House of Representatives to a halt. All day,House Republicans have delayed consideration of the Defense Authorization bill(H.R. 1585) to play procedural games, calling for an endless series of meaningless and time consuming procedural votes for more than six hours.

“Most of the day, Representative Castle has played games rather than work to provide essential equipment for the National Guard and a much needed pay raise for our troops,” said Jennifer Crider, Communications Director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “During a time of war it’s outrageous that Representative Castle is putting partisan politics ahead of the needs of our troops.”

The bad news is Castle continues to get away with this bullshit.

Don’t let him. Call his office and leave a message. Tell Castle to stop playing games with our troops.

Wilmington Office
(302) 428-1902

Dover Office
(302) 736-1666

Washington Office
(202) 225-4165

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