Obama hits NH Senators hard for war votes

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 21, 2007

Presidential candidate Barack Obama launched a two-day offensive on Republican Sens. John Sununu and Judd Gregg, telling New Hampshire voters yesterday that their senators should do more to end the war. Obama, an Illinois Democrat, told a town hall audience in Rye that Sununu, Gregg and 14 other Republican senators are the main roadblocks to ending the unpopular war in Iraq. Obama backs a plan which would end the war before President Bush leaves office.

That’s what I’m talking ’bout.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Chris says:

    “…roadblocks to ending the unpopular war in Iraq.”

    Sorry to veer off topic but this just struck my as the real issue here. Democrats are against this war most because it is an “UNPOPULAR” war. Since when was war a popularity contest? It is hard to ever find a war that was “popular”. Yes, this war had some “popularity” in the beginning because of 9/11 but no one seriously believed that popularity would last. It is irrelevant. But the reason so many of these Democrats were “for the war” and then “against it” had more to do with the prevailing mood of the Americans than any deficits in intelligence. Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen can afford to put their fingers in the air, and rightly should, they are elected to represent the opinion of the people. But presidents should be leaders who do what they feel and not what is popular. There are a couple of candidates on each side that can do that, but not the majority. There is a reason why governors make better presidents that senators.

  2. jason330 says:

    No dummy.

    It is UNPOPULAR because it was a stupid idea and poorly executed. Jeez, you are stupid.

  3. Chris says:

    “It is UNPOPULAR because it was a stupid idea and poorly executed. Jeez, you are stupid.”

    Once again you debate skills are masterful. By the way, is this the year you move up to 10th grade?

    You seem to suffer from the egotistical “Because I beleive it, it must be so” syndrome.

    This may surprise you but there are quite a few people, even among those that want out now, that don’t believe it was a stupid idea. Poorly executed? That might be open for debate.

    But assuming that I accept your theory that it is an unpopular war because it was a stupid idea. It was a pretty popular war in the beginning…so by your logic I guess that means it was a great idea. Then when things didn’t go as well as we would like and it became less and less popular (through as I have said before, mostly due to natural war weariness) it is now a stupid idea.

    Once again, I assert, it comes down to sticking your liberal finger into the wind.

    No way to run a country.

  4. jason330 says:

    This may surprise you but there are quite a few people, even among those that want out now, that don’t believe it was a stupid idea.

    Yes. “quite a few” would surprise me. If you could name four I’d be astonished.

    Poorly executed? That might be open for debate.

    Again, debate what exactly? Why not debate the question, “Is fire hot?”

  5. Chris says:

    “Yes. “quite a few” would surprise me. If you could name four I’d be astonished.”

    I can name several..but why bother…you will pronounce them wingnuts and dismiss them out of hand.

    So since the great all-knowing Jason has pronounced it so…it must be.

    I will leave you to you pollyanna bubble now. Should I hum or something as you withdraw?

  6. jason330 says:

    Ha! I thought so.

  7. Chris says:

    “Ha! I thought so.”

    I guess I was mistaken. You are not quite ready for 10th grade yet. No shame in being a freshman again.. third time is the charm.