Delaware Liberal

Editors Note: On my current level of testyness

As a commenter has pointed out, I have lately ratcheted up my level of bitterness and bile toward the recalcitrant dumbasses, like Michael N. Castle, who refuse to acknowledge that working for the election of George W. Bush was a mistake that they should feel contrite about.

As it happens a good friend of mine from HS who decided to make the military his career has recently been redeployed to Baghdad for his second deployment and is now on patrol in that bloody abortion of a city created by Bush’s incompetence and vanity.

This is after having served in Iraq in the first Gulf War. Meanwhile, back on the home-front mentally retarded turds like Ryan S,  who complain about having to perform Jury Duty in the service of their country, continue to sit behind their keyboards and make grand pronouncements about how George Bush was a better choice than either Al Gore or John Kerry.

Does it jaundice my views of current events? Your damn right it does.

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