Editors Note: On my current level of testyness

Filed in National by on May 23, 2007

As a commenter has pointed out, I have lately ratcheted up my level of bitterness and bile toward the recalcitrant dumbasses, like Michael N. Castle, who refuse to acknowledge that working for the election of George W. Bush was a mistake that they should feel contrite about.

As it happens a good friend of mine from HS who decided to make the military his career has recently been redeployed to Baghdad for his second deployment and is now on patrol in that bloody abortion of a city created by Bush’s incompetence and vanity.

This is after having served in Iraq in the first Gulf War. Meanwhile, back on the home-front mentally retarded turds like Ryan S,  who complain about having to perform Jury Duty in the service of their country, continue to sit behind their keyboards and make grand pronouncements about how George Bush was a better choice than either Al Gore or John Kerry.

Does it jaundice my views of current events? Your damn right it does.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. anon says:

    Save some anger for Carper.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’ve got plenty.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    NRG is actually considering harnessing Jason’s anger to supplement the slow wind days. He is less polluting than coal and faster heating than natural gas.

  4. jason330 says:

    Just mention Cheney and I’m good for another 1 point 21 jigawatts !!!

    BTW Geek, have you noticed how the right-wing macho men will not touch this thread with a 10 foot pole?

  5. donviti says:

    macho men

    all I here is the village people singing now… 🙂

  6. Disbelief says:

    Macho men. Hunh. What I can’t figure out is how we can be so right all the time yet still have problems with the machismos agreeing with us.

  7. steamboat willy says:

    Bush was a better choice than Gore
    Bush was a better choice than Kerry

    since you are not blogging from Afgahnistan, STFU about where other blogers post from.

    was that macho enough for you?

  8. donviti says:

    what’s a bloger?

  9. Disbelief says:

    If Steamboat’s right about Gore and Kerry being even worse than Bush, that would explain why Carter’s been so happy for the last eight years: he had a 100% chance of NOT being the worst President in the history of our country while still living.

  10. jason330 says:

    Wow. All the morons are coming out of the closet. It is as if I yelled “ollie ollie oxen free!”

    Well it must be a relif to now be open about your mental retardation steamy.

    Enjoy your drooling and staring into space.

  11. Chris says:

    “What I can’t figure out is how we can be so right all the time yet still have problems with the machismos agreeing with us.”

    Try being right all the time…doesn’t happen. In fact, I have heard repeatedly on this blog how the “insurgents” in Iraq are all really Iraqis and we are in the midst of a civil war.

    Now the AP has this story.


    Though, I am sure none of you read it. Strangely enough, the “mainstream” (unbiased) media, would rather not let that information out. Might challenge your current opinions and we couldn’t have that.


    P.S. I assume you believe the AP is another right-wing spin job?

  12. Disbelief says:

    What the hell does ‘civil war’ have to do with us being there?

  13. Ryan S. says:

    “sit behind their keyboards and make grand pronouncements about how George Bush was a better choice than either Al Gore or John Kerry.”

    How is that any different than you sitting behind your keyboard making grand pronouncements about how Al Gore or John Kerry were better choices than George W. Bush?

  14. jason330 says:

    Idiot. I wish you could hear yourself.

  15. Ryan S. says:

    Wow. Powerful argument. My mind, nay, my heart is forever changed after my eyes dance across those wonderfully eloquent words on my screen written by that master of prose in our midst, Jason.

  16. steamboat willy says:


    did you forget to take your meds?

  17. jason330 says:

    If (knowing everything that we now know) you don’t think either Al Gore or John Kerry woould have made a better President than Mr. Bush there is nothing I can say.

    You’ve made a clean break with reality and now reside in the land of shades.

  18. motsmitty says:

    Yeah, sorry J, but I think they all sucked. I went ‘L’ both times around.

  19. motsmitty says:

    Wow. I may as well just say “insert insult here” in that last post. “L” stands for Libetarian in this case, not “La-hoos-er”.

    OK, insert joke there.

  20. FSP says:

    All I know is that J is about to blow his top. Pass the popcorn.

  21. motsmitty says:

    Yeah, I know. Start harping on Carter and Clinton and we will reach defcon-5.

  22. Chris says:

    “If (knowing everything that we now know) you don’t think either Al Gore or John Kerry woould have made a better President than Mr. Bush there is nothing I can say.”

    Hmm. Let me see. You have a former VP who became completely unhinged after he lost. Grew a beard, became shrill. Stood in front of a black church and started preaching as if he WAS a black man (ala Hilliary). Then, grabs on to an issue that the let totally obsesses on because it gives them a greater excuse to HATE America. Yeah…I still don’t think he would be better.

    Then there is Kerry…who has yet to make a decision. He makes a better Senator. No decision necessary.

    So yeah. Out of those three I would still vote for Bush.