The FIRST state !!!

Filed in National by on May 23, 2007

I’ve never been as proud to be a Delawarean as I am today.

(Wind) power to the people!

[Due credit to the few sane Republicans for being on the side of the angels…

BUT I just have to add that I love the fact that this is a big “ef-you!” to the moronic dumbasses on the right wing who would proudly vote for George Bush again and who think that global warming is a liberal hoax concocted by Al Gore.]

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Comment Annihilation: Hube « First State Politics | May 23, 2007
  1. RickJ19958 says:

    Delaware Republicans have been as instrumental in this as Delaware Democrats. By turning the President into a strawman for every good moment, you marginalize every legitimate gripe you have with him.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m talking about right wing morons. If you are not in that camp you should not take offense.

    And yes, Rick, I have a gripe against people who say they would vote for Bush again – don’t you?!

  3. Hube says:

    You might have a point with your first [irrelevant] issue; however, of course you obscure the issue w/global warming. OK, sure, the globe is warming. The debate — which guys like Al Gore do not want to have — is whether man is a significant factor.

  4. donviti says:

    Personally I think Del Lib is who people should thank.


    quick comic book sale on Marsh road, by one get one 50%

  5. you tricked me into clicking onto Joker Ryan’s site…why hasn’t that kid signed up yet for all of this duty he expresses?

    I was on Main Street in Newark yesterday and an entire store has been taken over by a National Guard recreutment station with a 7’by 7′ sign announcing that if you join the Delaware National Guard you will get 100% paid college tutition.

    George Bush and the Congress are fighting this was on the back of Guard and Reserve. Let’s stand up to this travesty and get our troops home.

  6. Hube says:

    dimwitty: Quick — you can still get a refund for that diploma mill “degree” you just “earned.”

  7. Hube says:

    Oh, wait — let me write in dimwitty style:

    Quik — u kan stil git a reefund 4 that diplomea mil digree u just urned.

  8. Chris says:

    “BUT I just have to add that I love the fact that this is a big “ef-you!” to the moronic dumbasses on the right wing who would proudly vote for George Bush again and who think that global warming is a liberal hoax concocted by Al Gore.]”

    Same to you Jason….same to you…

  9. donviti says:

    good thing you don’t need a diploma to be an asshole.

  10. Ryan S. says:

    I supported wind power. Please get your fact checks. I love the environment enough to not want Al Gore to send this planet into another Ice Age.

  11. Ryan S. says:

    Should say, ‘facts checked.’ Sorry ’bout that.

  12. abovethecanalpolitics says:


    I don’t know what you’re problem is, but every Republican I know in Delaware is cheering this development and has been on the side of wind power from the onset.

    Truth is, if the support from those in the Republican party did not exist for this proposal, then its more likely than not to have not reached this stage. This is a day for all of us to pat each other on the back for a job well done.

  13. jason330 says:


    So you don’t consider yourself a moronic dumbasses who thinks that global warming is a liberal hoax concocted by Al Gore. That’s great! What do you want a cookie?