The Congressional Democrats Screwed Up

Filed in National by on May 24, 2007

It is that simple.

No need to white wash it or enter into some fantasy world rationalizations (as our GOP readers are so fond of doing when it comes to Bush’s daily hourly screw ups).

Keith Olbermann’s “Special Comment” :

You, the men and women elected with the simplest of directions—Stop The War—have traded your strength, your bargaining position, and the uniform support of those who elected you… for a handful of magic beans.

You may trot out every political cliché from the soft-soap, inside-the-beltway dictionary of boilerplate sound bites, about how this is the “beginning of the end” of Mr. Bush’s “carte blanche” in Iraq, about how this is a “first step.”

Well, Senator Reid, the only end at its beginning… is our collective hope that you and your colleagues would do what is right, what is essential, what you were each elected and re-elected to do.

Related: Joe Biden could take some lessons about being direct from Chris Dodd:


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. anon says:

    At least Biden does not demonstrate the complete disregard for our troops that Mike Castle does.

    WASHINGTON — Sen. Joe Biden reacted sharply Wednesday to the possibility that the Marine Corps delayed its response to an urgent request from field commanders in Iraq for mine resistant vehicles, calling it a “national scandal.”

  2. anon2 says:

    Maybe Biden can beat some sense into Carper.

  3. anon2 says:

    …aww, crap. Just read Biden’s voting for the funding too. Dammit.

  4. jason330 says:

    Screwed Up.

  5. Rebecca says:

    And I saw Biden on TV this morning spouting the Republican talking-point that they had to send money or the troops would run out of what they need. I call Bull-hockey! The Pentagon is swimming in money and they can certainly plan for a redeployment with what they’ve got. We have de-funded wars before, as Olbermann points out. The Pentagon must have a Plan B — oops, they are mostly Republicans aren’t they? No Plan B??? Where is Wesley Clark when we need him?

    Ooo, ooh, Somebody on DailyKos was suggesting a Gore/Clark ticket. There’s the kind of leadership we are going to need to dig ourselves out of this mess.

  6. At least Biden does not demonstrate the complete disregard for our troops that Mike Castle does.

    I hear that Biden is voting for this supplimental and that means that he is doing what he has done when the first vote went through the Congree to allow a military occupation in Iraqi: he bloviated a bunch and voted yes anyway. He went ahead and spoke about everything that was wrong about Bush’s initiative but he refused to stand behind his words with action.

  7. Dan B. says:

    Who’s gonna be Joe W. (the W stands for wimp)Biden’s primary opponent in 2008? The time for purging the soulless hacks masquerading as Delaware Democrats is long overdue.

    The devolution of Joe W. Biden (the W stands for weak) from an eloquent advocate for Progressive values to a bloviating, out of touch piece of K Street bilge, has been really painful to witness. Joe W.(the W stands for wordy) Biden has become living, breathing justification for term limits.

    The DLC-Lieberman-Dick Morris mold the Delaware Democratic party has been using needs to be destroyed once and for all.

    There are some legitimate Democrats in this state. People like Karen Peterson and Matt Denn, to name two, not only court Progressive votes, but actually use Progressive values to inform their job performance. I hope we can find someone cut from their cloth willing to challenge Joe W.(the W stands for waffling)Biden.

    I’ve was disappointed in Joe W. (the W stands for weasel) Biden when he sold out the non-wealthy with the Bankruptcy Bill. That sense of disappointment increased dramatically with his cowardly endorsement of Bush’s war in 2002.

    Despite these disappointments, I reluctantly cast my vote for Joe W. (the W stands for Dubya) Biden in 2002. It was the pragmatic thing to do, I suppose.

    The only problem is our collective pragmatism has allowed the Democratic party to be overrun with worthless ciphers, who bring nothing to the table, save their own personal ambition.

    Despite controlling both houses of Congress, the Democratic leadership is incapable of standing up to a man with roughly the same level of appeal as voluntary castration.

    With this final display of cowardice, it’s time for Delaware Democrats to definitively turn their back on Joe W. (the W stands for WRONG) Biden.

  8. anon says:

    On the bright side, the primary is a lot clearer now. Joe, Hillary, Obama, take your sorry triangulating asses home and stop wasting our time. The grownups have work to do.