Dis-Card. That’s a Hot One!

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 29, 2007



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  1. jason330 says:

    He was nominated by an anon faculty member. Zoinks!

    No one affilated with Bush should be able to show his stupid face in public without expecting heaps of ridicule.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I love the fact that faculty was protesting too.

  3. Chris says:

    If it wasn’t a Bush affiliate it would have been another Conservative. Convervatives are always facing this crap, because there are a lot of angy liberals…who are always angry about something. If it wasn’t this war it would be some environmental thing, or the fact the prisoners aren’t given car priveledges on the weekend or something else. It really is a function of abilities and workloads.

    “Those who can…do. Those who can’t…protest”.

  4. Andrew Card says:

    If it wasn’t a Bush affiliate it would have been another Conservative.

    Yeah. We conservatives can’t go out of the house without getting our feelings hurt by some bad liberals like you’s guys.

    It is just not fair and really hurts.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, but it is so much more justified w.r.t. this stupid war. I don’t see a lot of former Chiefs of Staff getting slapped around for honorary degrees.

  6. jason330 says:

    …or the fact the prisoners aren’t given car priveledges

    You are sooooo 2005.

  7. Mike McKain says:

    Yes, Chris, and I assume our forefathers should have just shut up and paid the taxes on tea and stamps, they should have just rolled over and let the British stay in their houses. Martin Luther King should have just shut up and drank out of the separate water fountains, Rosa Parks should have just shut up and sat in the back of the bus….no my friend, protests, especially when for a good cause, usually translate into action once awareness is spread. Are there stupid protests? Absolutely. There always have been. But protests can also be a powerful conduit for change – real, positive change in the world that NEEDS to happen in order for this and all nations to reach their full potential. “Conservative,” by definition, generally means an opposition to change. That is why I continue to struggle to see how anyone could support such an ideology when it has historically been on the wrong side of nearly every argument.

  8. Chris says:

    ““Conservative,” by definition, generally means an opposition to change. That is why I continue to struggle to see how anyone could support such an ideology when it has historically been on the wrong side of nearly every argument.”

    That it has been historically on the wrong side of nearly every arguement is entirely your own opinion and not a statement of fact. Remember there were many other “changes” that conservative politics has opposed over the years like nazism, communism, socialism, and anarchy. Conservative politics has tried to resist moral decay which always leads to anarchy and despair. I understand there are disagreements on what “morals” should be used, but I would sincerely hope that even you would not want to live in a “moraless” society. So being totally open to change is not really the right course. Slow and steady wins the race, not reactionary.

    So struggle all you want, but I can’t understand how anyone could support an ideology that lacks any sort of moralistic anchor. Sure fire way to send a civilization spinning into oblivion.

  9. anon says:

    Conservative politics has tried to resist moral decay which always leads to anarchy and despair.

    And how’s that working out for you guys?

  10. donviti says:


    you said but I can’t understand how anyone could support an ideology that lacks any sort of moralistic anchor

    why are you assuming that liberalism isn’t steeped with a moralistic anchor? Because perhaps it isn’t anchored with your God?

  11. donviti says:

    Chris you said

    “I can’t understand how anyone could support an ideology that lacks any sort of moralistic anchor.”

    that is a load of crap and you know it. Maybe because liberalism isn’t steeped with God you don’t understand it, but that is pretty shitty to say that liberals don’t have morals my friend…

  12. jason330 says:

    Conservative politics has tried to resist moral decay which always leads to anarchy and despair.

    Ohh you mean like the despair in Newt Gingrich’s conservative bedroom when he takes on yet another mistress?

  13. Mike McKain says:

    Not even “no god” because I know plenty of Christians who are still liberals – just a less narrow-minded view of God and society in General.

    There is nothing “moraless” about wanted to better society and believing that government can be a means of achieving good, positive change in both society and the lives of individuals.

  14. What a total ass Card is. Apparently his only responce to the heckling was. “It’s a wonderful experience to be here”. Since he enjoys it so much, let’s hope that he keeps having the same wonderful experience every where he appears. Guys like him wouldn’t recognize reality it it slapped them in the face.

  15. Demoralization of society can be chased back to Reagan materialism mantra and the advance of greed [both public and private] as much as any loosening that occured on the personal front during the flower power years.