Delaware-wingnut-osphere silent on immigration

Filed in National by on June 1, 2007

The proposed guest worker program upsets good liberals like me because it is nothing but a way for Republican run businesses like Tyson’s Food to get cheap labor, and it should enrage our conservative brothers. But a funnty thing happened on the way to the outrage-a-thon….nothing.

What’s with all the crickets?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Bookem says:

    Wow, I’m kinda surprised Chris Matthews or Tim Russert didnt call yet since you have such insight and wisdom?

  2. Chris Matthews or Tim Russert
    you mean tweety and Timmeh the pumpkin head?

    the left just LOVES those corporate hos.

  3. Chris says:

    Am I that ignored around here? It seems we had a rather spirited debate the other day on how BAD this immigration bill is. Most conservatives are EXTREMELY OUTRAGED. That was why Bush was attacking conservatives the other day because we keep calling it an Amnesty bill. This bill will benefit Democrats more than Republicans. It will create a whole class of additional people forced to rely on the Government dole. Since democrats are more interested in handing out government money than actually encouraging people to become self-reliant, this will mean more democratic votes.

    But the main reason this is a BAD idea is that it basically says it is ok to violate the US law. There will be NO respect for law and order and that is never good.

    So put your CRICKETS away. We conservatives are TOTALLY AGAINST this bill. But I can see why you are confused, since you buy the liberal view that we support Bush no matter what he decides. I have tried to tell you that is not the case. Just because we support the Iraq position DOES NOT mean we are lemurs. We just honestly believe that it is in the best interest of the US to win there. Something we will never agree on.

    But when we disagree with Bush we are not afraid to admit it. At least so us a little respect. We are not stupid.

  4. Maria Evans says:

    “Tyson Foods”? We should talk to Mike Espy about their practices.