Delaware Liberal

Poll Question

Do you own an American Car?

I guess my post earlier today was a bit rushed and I didn’t explain my point very well…oh well, you get what you pay for. The point I was trying to make was that Had Ford and the other American car companies done things right they wouldn’t be in the mess they are in.
Sure BMW and others are building and selling SUV’s however you ask the majority of Americans and my guess is they will tell you that they would rather buy an export than an American car, but I could be wrong hence the unscientific poll above.

See had Ford and the others not had their heads up the investor’s asses as well as thier own they might have been able to avoid the position they are now in. They had a chance in the 1980’s but they blew it. As a result the Japanese have taken over and taken over big time. They have cars that are more fuel efficient and more reliable.hence my point. That the Free market has decided that they want those types of cars. Now, what Ford and the others have done is they have shaped the government policies around their profit goals. Ford claims that it is too expensive to make a car fuel efficient..

well I got news for you…my guess is if they had a really fuel efficient car that would stay in one piece for more than 2 years, they wouldn’t be losing $5000 dollars a car. Instead they are too busy making commercials for Rednecks that drive pick ups to call their congressman and stop this “madness” that would make trucks more fuel efficient.

Which goes to show you, the fucking guys just don’t get it. Free Market is deciding and unfortunately thousands of Americans are losing their jobs each year, especially in Delaware due to shortsightedness and greed.

“Honey, get me my Ford Prius!” Imagine how that would sound….but instead…we get a Ford hybrid SUV that gets less MPG than a honda civic….and that same FORD hybrid….. uses Toyota technology.

 so hey all you rednecks call your congressperson and complain away, with any luck only 10,000 more Americans will lose their job next year.

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