Any guesses why they are still looking for WMD’s?

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 2, 2007

U.N. Team Still Looking for Iraq’s Arsenal
Though Work Is Seen as Irrelevant, Security Council Can’t Agree to End It
“The reality on the ground is there is no WMD there,” said Charles Duelfer, a former U.N. weapons inspector who published the landmark 2004 report of the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group, which concluded that Iraq’s weapons had been destroyed. “I think they understand the distance their work is from reality.”

“This is really absurd. We’re approaching five years now of this exercise in futility,” said Feisal Amin al-Istrabadi, Iraq’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

we went to war b/c of them, and there is no way in hell this administration is going to let the search end.  Can you imagine the headlines? 

woooohoooo Democracy!

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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    Is this more pure moonbattery? When will you guys decide if Bush is a complete moron, or a conniving sleuth?

    Don’t you think Bush, if he really wanted to “prove” his case beyond a shadow of a doubt, would have planted some WMDs somewhere in the middle of the Iraqi desert? I mean, if Bush “knew” about 9/11 in advance (as Jason and 26% of Democrats do) and planned accordingly, how easy would it be to have the CIA sneak in a few biological or chemical agents into the middle of nowhere?

    In addition, isn’t the surface area of Iraq akin to that of California? If you’re searching every nook and cranny, is five years really that long a time?

  2. donviti says:

    not a chance in hell they would have gotten away with planting WMD’s in Iraq. Spare me, the CIA couldn’t pull that off.

    I don’t care how big Iraq is and no offense but your opinion is over ridden when a few UN guys (hans blix) say there are no WMD’s.

    thanks though, I’m sure you can find some guys in line for soup today that will agree with you.

  3. Hube says:

    Enlighten us all as to why, and how, the CIA couldn’t pull it off. I mean, if the admin. could keep it hush-hush about the impending 9/11 attack, planting WMDs would be child’s play.

    Hans Blix did NOT conclusively say there were no WMDs, dimwitty. Of course, the fact that intel agencies from all over believed otherwise is what … “highly irrelevant”?

    BTW, the Soup Nazi doesn’t have split pea today. He is really a “bafoon.”

  4. donviti says:

    google bay of pigs for me pube

  5. Chris says:

    “google bay of pigs for me pube”

    Yes…lets pull out a 46 year old reference involving a major arming and invasion of a nearby nation and extrapolate that into assuming that today’s CIA couldn’t plant a couple of vials in the desert.

    It is pointless for Bush to look for the WMDs because even if we do find them you all would spin it as a plant anyway.

    It still amazes we that everyone swears they didn’t have WMDs. What the heck were weapons inspectors inspecting all that time? Nothing? And I guess Saddam was just bluffing each time he kicked them out. So if the weapons inspectors were incorrect then I guess we can stop worrying about Iran. They probably don’t reallyhave nuclear technology. Cheyney must want their oil too.

  6. kavips says:

    How to tell when a republican has lost it…….

    Take the beginning statement…..then the ending………if it doesn’t make sense, the Republican has “lost it”.


    What were weapons inspectors inspecting all the time……Cheney must want (Iran’s) oil too……….

    “Lost it…..”

  7. Chris says:

    “What were weapons inspectors inspecting all the time……Cheney must want (Iran’s) oil too……….

    “Lost it…..””

    I have hardly lost it. They are just questions you prefer to not answer. Too hard to tell with your head in the sand.

    What were weapons inspectors inspecting in Iraq?


    Does Iran have nuclear technology? Do you think they are afraid to use it?


    Will your response to Iran be that Cheyney wants their oil too, since that seems to be the universal answer for liberals. Not 42, but Cheyney and Halliburton.

  8. anon11 says:

    More than 26% of just Democrats have suspicions about 9-11. Here is a poll from last summer. Anger and frustration has only gotten worse since then so it may be more now. Either way when a 1/3 of the public thinks the president or officials particapted in any way in an attack on our own citizens we are in serious trouble.

    “More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.”

    Thirty-six percent of respondents overall said it is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that federal officials either participated in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or took no action to stop them “because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East.”

    The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they “personally are more angry” at the government than they used to be.

    The survey was conducted by telephone from July 6-24 at the Scripps Survey Research Center at the University of Ohio under a grant from the Scripps Howard Foundation. The poll has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.