Delaware Liberal

Any guesses why they are still looking for WMD’s?

U.N. Team Still Looking for Iraq’s Arsenal
Though Work Is Seen as Irrelevant, Security Council Can’t Agree to End It
“The reality on the ground is there is no WMD there,” said Charles Duelfer, a former U.N. weapons inspector who published the landmark 2004 report of the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group, which concluded that Iraq’s weapons had been destroyed. “I think they understand the distance their work is from reality.”

“This is really absurd. We’re approaching five years now of this exercise in futility,” said Feisal Amin al-Istrabadi, Iraq’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

we went to war b/c of them, and there is no way in hell this administration is going to let the search end.  Can you imagine the headlines? 

woooohoooo Democracy!

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