Delaware Liberal

Do as I say! Not as WE DO!

Bush Calls on Iran to Release Detained U.S. Citizens
President Ends Silence in Response To Spying Charges Against Three

 President Bush lashed out at Iran yesterday for detaining American citizens and called for them to be freed “immediately and unconditionally.” White House aides said the president broke his silence because of Tehran‘s decision to charge three of the four detainees.

Didn’t we have something called rendition, don’t we call terrorists enemy combatants to avoid the Geneva Convention?  Don’t we keep the pow’s we capture off of US soil so we they can avoid trial, not get lawyers and we can hold them for as long as we want?

This is the kind of crap that happens to you when you don’t set an example.  I would think there should be international support like there was for the British Sailors for these guys, but my guess is you wont see that support.  All because they make their own fucking rules up and expect others to follow rules we don’t. 

Hopefully those captured are ok, god knows our administration policies aren’t helping them…

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