Delaware Liberal

Hube is the perfect reverse barometer

It is amazing to consider that when it comes to national politics Hube is so consistently and perfectly wrong.

He thinks Biden is right to appear on the Republican’s Fox News debate and take “when did you stop beating your wife?” questions from Republican operative Brit Hume.

In fact – it is a perfectly stupid idea for Biden to appear on the Republican’s television network and take loaded questions from Republican operatives – but Biden (the Presidential candidate, not the Senator) is a dumbass, no-chance-fucknut anyway – so, big whoop.

As for Biden’s pretext, that the other candidates are snubbing African American’s by not appearing on the Republican’s television network – Josh Marshall says:

If Biden and/or Kucinich want to make the case that Fox News is a perfectly legitimate, credible news outlet, and that Democrats should have no qualms about appearing at a FNC event, fine. Let them make the case.

But instead, they’ve chosen to play the race card. Indeed, Biden’s response to questions about this focused on the role African-American voters play in national elections, as if this were somehow relevant. It was hardly a subtle message — to bypass this debate is necessarily to give the African-American community the cold-shoulder. As Biden and Kucinich see it, they care about black people; their rivals care about Fox News’ partisanship.

PS. In the comments Perry Hood, who likes Biden, happens to be wrong about this.

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