Hube is the perfect reverse barometer

Filed in National by on June 2, 2007

It is amazing to consider that when it comes to national politics Hube is so consistently and perfectly wrong.

He thinks Biden is right to appear on the Republican’s Fox News debate and take “when did you stop beating your wife?” questions from Republican operative Brit Hume.

In fact – it is a perfectly stupid idea for Biden to appear on the Republican’s television network and take loaded questions from Republican operatives – but Biden (the Presidential candidate, not the Senator) is a dumbass, no-chance-fucknut anyway – so, big whoop.

As for Biden’s pretext, that the other candidates are snubbing African American’s by not appearing on the Republican’s television network – Josh Marshall says:

If Biden and/or Kucinich want to make the case that Fox News is a perfectly legitimate, credible news outlet, and that Democrats should have no qualms about appearing at a FNC event, fine. Let them make the case.

But instead, they’ve chosen to play the race card. Indeed, Biden’s response to questions about this focused on the role African-American voters play in national elections, as if this were somehow relevant. It was hardly a subtle message — to bypass this debate is necessarily to give the African-American community the cold-shoulder. As Biden and Kucinich see it, they care about black people; their rivals care about Fox News’ partisanship.

PS. In the comments Perry Hood, who likes Biden, happens to be wrong about this.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (32)

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  1. Chris says:

    “He thinks Biden is right to appear on the Republican’s Fox News debate and take “when did you stop beating your wife?” questions from Republican operative Brit Hume.”

    At least the republicans had enough GUTS to appear on MSNBC and take those kind of questions from Slime Ball Matthews.

    The ironic thing is, Fox News will probably stage a fair debate…far fairer than Mr. “When did you first have sex with your Wife” Matthews did.

    Get a grip. “Main Stream” media is far more left than Fox News is right. You are just so far to the left, it looks right to you.

  2. FSP says:

    The Fox News crew asked tough questions of the GOP candidates, hit them all in their sensitive spots and exposed rifts. They were universally recognized as doing a superior job in quizzing the GOP candidates than MSNBC did.

    Fact is, the Dems are scared that FOX will expose their weaknesses much like they exposed the GOP candidates.

  3. jason330 says:

    Please. Don’t try to make the case that Fox is not the Republican’s media arm. You make yourself look foolish.

    Does the name “Tony Snow” mean anything to you? Does the name “Roger Ailes” ring a bell?

    Case Closed.

  4. Alan Coffey says:

    Sounds an awful lot like the “Liberal Media” lament we heard so long. Grow up people. This is politics, not your kiddie sandbox.

    Debate, debate, debate. More is better. These guys and gals duck and cover too much as it is.

  5. Chris says:

    “Does the name “Roger Ailes” ring a bell?”

    Does the name Ted Turner mean anything to you?

    We can play this game all day long.

  6. Hube says:

    It is amazing to consider that when it comes to national politics Hube is so consistently and perfectly wrong.

    Yeah, you know, like being against the Iraq War which this blog constantly discusses …other than that!

    Does the name Chris Matthews ring a bell? George Stephanopoulis? Get just a slight grip on reality, dolt.

    Thanks for the shout out here, anyways. You just make yourself appear your usual proto-human intellect self.

  7. Hube says:

    BTW, does believing George Bush knew in advance about 9/11 mean anything to you Jase?

    This automatically precludes you from being taken seriously EVER.

  8. FSP says:

    Waaaah, Waaahhhhhh.

    The Dems are scared of the tough questions. Period.

    Hume, Wallace & Goler went hard after Romney on his position change, hard after McCain on CFR and immigration and hard after Giuliani on abortion. They did not softball the GOPers. They will not softball the Dems, and the Dems are scared of that fact.

  9. Mike Protack says:

    I don’t know about the Fox debate but Biden sounded better tonight on the CNN debate than Clinton, Obama or Edwards.

  10. jason330 says:

    Does the name Ted Turner mean anything to you?

    We can play this game all day long.

    I’m not interested in games – and only a game player would try to say that a long time, top level GOP operative being made head of Fox news equates with a business man who sold his news channel.

    Don’t be a dummy Chris. You too Hube.

  11. The Dems are scared of the tough questions. Period.

    Your farce! So biting Dave but no one here is buying it.
    We want our DEMs to boycott FOX for the inappropriate, deceitful spin, i.e. the dubunked madrassa:

    “a network that calls Black churches a cult, implies that Senator Barack Obama is a terrorist, and uses the solemn occasion of Coretta Scott King’s funeral to call Black leaders ‘racist.’

  12. Any democratic candidate for President who has confidence and policy positions based on fact, should never be fearful of appearing on any news network.
    The problem with the majority of democrats is that they have been living in fear of who they are for decades. It was right wing republicans who were responsible for deamonizing the word “liberal.” Of course most fearful democrats bought their bill of goods and began referring to themselves as “progressives.” Republicans have been able to draw the “family values” and religious vote because democrats have shyed away from mentioning the part that family and faith play in their lives. Republicans don’t and never have had a monopoly on these. However, a democratic silence born out of fear has made the electorate feel that they do.
    Proud LIBERALS should be referring to national role models like: FDR (social security), JFK (the Peace Corps), LBJ (civil rights), RFK (judical reform), and of course Martin Luther King. We have to be constantly reminding the electorate that the republican choosen moral issues of gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research are far from the only “moral” issues facing America. How about: the Iraq War, homelessness, hunger, out-of-wedlock marriage, the environment, street crime, AIDS, lack of medical coverage, and prejudice (aka homophobia). These are just a few of the MORAL issues facing America. Democrats have to stop living in fear of who they are, always proud “LIBERALS” never “progressives.”

  13. jason330 says:

    After the first sentence you make a lot of sense.

    Fox news is not a “news network”. It is a GOP owned and run PR operation. By going Biden is playing the GOP’s game. We need to get beyond the partisanship and division that is Fox News’ bread and butter.

  14. jason330 says:

    And anyone who says thet MSNBC is a democratic version of Fox is just being stupid. Yes I said it, stupid.

    MSNBC has one liberal show. Promoting conservative GOP spin is the entire mission of the whole FOX network.

  15. FSP says:

    “And anyone who says thet MSNBC is a democratic version of Fox is just being stupid.”

    Or they’re just correct.

  16. Chris says:

    “And anyone who says thet MSNBC is a democratic version of Fox is just being stupid. Yes I said it, stupid.”

    Or perhaps you are just so far left of center that it looks normal to you. It is one Democrat spin after another. Same for CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN. In fact, the only reason I believe CNN HEadline added Glenn Beck (besides the ad revenue they generate) was too appear to be neutral. But it doesn’t work.

  17. Hube says:

    Or perhaps you are just so far left of center that it looks normal to you.

    Good point, Chris. This applies to moonbat journalists like Eric Alterman who’s SO far left he thinks the US MSM leans right. Yeesh.

  18. jason330 says:

    They’ll be coming for you soon enough. Too band your libertarianism was all show and no go.

  19. Hube says:

    Speak English, Jase. Say whaaat?

  20. jason330 says:

    As they drag you away to a secret prison the meaning will dawn on you.

  21. Hube says:

    Give me a friggin’ break. Are you now going to join the chorus of lefties that are out there praising what Hugo Chavez is doing down in Venezuela, next? That’s an actual dictator, looney-tune.

    But what can one expect from one of the 26% kook fringe who believes Bush knew about 9/11 in advance and did nothing about it. You have less than zero credibility.

  22. And anyone who says thet MSNBC is a democratic version of Fox is just being stupid.”

    Or they’re just correct


    You guys are grasping here, pathetic. Looking across any leftie’s shoulder you will see that MSNBC is nicknamed MSGOP. Only Olbermann’s Countdown gives a liberal’s point of view.

  23. donviti says:


    “IF YOU can’t face the bad boys of Fox News, how can you face the bad boys of Iraq or Iran?“

    I like how you likened Fox to Terrorists…I TOTALLY AGREE!

  24. Hube says:

    Only Olbermann’s Countdown gives a liberal’s point of view.

    Try the show before his, too, dolt.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Chris and Hube: A very wise man once said: “Reality has a well known liberal bias”.

    So, if the truth appears to be liberal, well it’s just reality and deal with it.

    What do you guys want, the “All Good-News Network”? Hey, a new school was build in Baghdad! But the MSM won’t tell you that, just that it was blown to hell a day later.

    And Matthews’ a liberal? Yeah, he worked for Tip O’Neal a long time ago, but his BROTHER ran for PA Lt. Gov on the GOP ticket. And Chrissy LOVES the GOP Faux Macho thing – it gives him the vapors!

    Personally, I think Olbermann is neutral (in a purely constitutional sense, not on social issues) – he rips both sides, it’s just that the GOP were in power, they were the ones that got us here, so Keith focused his disgust and scorn at them. Let’s see if he hammers the Dems once they win the white house in ’08, and have a filibuster-proof house and senate

  26. Chris says:

    “And Matthews’ a liberal? Yeah, he worked for Tip O’Neal a long time ago, but his BROTHER ran for PA Lt. Gov on the GOP ticket. And Chrissy LOVES the GOP Faux Macho thing – it gives him the vapors!”

    So? My brother and I have different points of view…what does that prove? He has decided to be a mouthpiece for the Democrats and pretend he is not. Anyone with a brain can see that.

    “A very wise man once said: “Reality has a well known liberal bias”.”

    Dan Rather said that right? He of “If the facts don’t support the theory, create the facts” fame. Liberalism and reality are far from connected. That is why people start of f liberal in their youth. Then when they start living and working in the real world they get more and more conservative. But then again, you will say that is because they are making more and more money and just want to be greedy with it.

  27. anon11 says:

    “He has decided to be a mouthpiece for the Democrats and pretend he is not.”

    What dimension is this Chris guy living in?

    Matthews for years pumped up Bush as some inspirational leader. He was a big voice for helping cast the war as some inevitable crusade. He only argued inside baseball the whole time and never the BIG questions.

    Then after supporting the war and back slapping Bush all along, Matthews seemed to turn on a dime against it.

    Matthews flips and flops with the wind. Matthews plays both sides. He has no ideology only status he wants to maintain.

    As for MSNBC it is not liberal or Democratic just because it has exposed all the dirt of this administration.

    It is amazing how the chicken hawks have so little allegiance to anyone who does not bow to their mania. They can’t accept so many people abandoning their idiocy in droves. It probably hurts their fragile egos.

    It is classic Bushrovian thinking : support me without question or fuck off you liberal traitor scum.

    Real nice.

  28. anon says:

    Whereas conservatives start off conservative in their youth. Then when they reach adulthood and start working in a business started with Daddy’s money and they realize they CAN’T FAIL, then they get even MORE conservative and start lecturing everyone about self-reliance.

  29. Chris says:

    “As for MSNBC it is not liberal or Democratic just because it has exposed all the dirt of this administration.”

    No, it is liberal or Democrat because of the constant spin they put on everything.

    “support me without question or fuck off you liberal traitor scum.”

    Nah…just the last part.