Delaware Liberal

The most honest press release evah!!

I was just looking back to this press release that DSU sent out when Nancy Wagner was hired and I have to say – at least DSU was candid about the fact that Wagner was hired to lobby for DSU in Leg. Hall.

Nancy Wagner Named to Head Community Relations

November 30, 2006


DOVER, Del. – Delaware State University President Allen L. Sessoms has announced that Nancy H. Wagner has joined the institution to become its executive director of Community Relations.

“It is thrilling to have someone like Nancy Wagner on board, given her understanding of the local area and the state,” said Dr. Sessoms. “We have not only enjoyed an outstanding relationship with Rep. Wagner for many years, but she has also been one of DSU’s biggest advocates.”

In the new DSU post, Wagner will be responsible for fostering and guiding positive relationships between the University’s internal constituencies and community organizations. She will also work to develop partnerships between DSU and other service agencies and school districts.

As the head of community relations she will be the primary liaison between the University and community groups; she will also develop strategies for DSU community outreach.

Rep. Wagner has been an elected member of the state House of Representatives, representing the 31st District (Dover-area) since 1992. As a House member, she currently serves as the chair of the Education Committee, as well as vice chair of the Corrections and Judiciary committees. She also serves on the Homeland Security, Tourism, and Gaming committees.

A 31-year education professional, Wagner has taught English in the Milford and Capital school districts, and for the last seven years she has been the school-to-work coordinator for the Capital School District.

Wagner has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from Wilmington College.

Emphasis added.

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