I try to console myself that bloodthristy ghouls like Chris and Hube are the exception and that most Republicans are sane, then I read something like this…

Filed in National by on June 4, 2007

The new chairman of the state party in Arkansas is looking for another terror attack on U.S. soil.

He said he’s “150 percent” behind Bush on the war in Iraq. “At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” Milligan said.

From Steven Benen filling in at C&L:

If you watch a GOP debate you hear the same kind of sick thinking and f’ed up logic.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Chris says:

    As always your liberal intelligence (which translates to LACK of intelligence) doesn’t permit you to understand such a high level concept, so you misinterpret as always.

    He is not HOPING for another attack. He is lamenting the fact that you guys are so hard headed that it would take another BLOODY attack for you to understand how DANGEROUS your appeasment policies are.

    But I think he is WRONG! You guys are so head-in-the-sand that I think a full suitcase nuke wiping out a major metro area, would at most get you to pause a second. Then you just accuse of Cheyney of sending the suitcase nuke, just so he can make a boatload of money off of the decontamination projects. Then you would happily blog away about Haliburton.

  2. Chris says:

    kak-is-toc-ra-cy, (n.) Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.”

    By the way. I like the tagline. Sort of sums up your goals well.

  3. jason330 says:

    He sure sounds like he is hoping to me.

    I just find it amazing that you can continue to defend Bush. I am starting to think that it is more a function of your dislike for guys like me than it is an actual sesne that Bush is right, decent, honest or competent.

    Nobody could be as stupid as you appear to be. It simply must be some kind of anti-liberal reflex that you can not overcome.

  4. Chris says:

    “I am starting to think that it is more a function of your dislike for guys like me than it is an actual sesne that Bush is right, decent, honest or competent.”

    A little of both actually. Again it goes back to the fact that you guys claim Bush is stupid and incompetent, and at the same time accuse him of creating masterfully devious endeavors. Your arguments are illogical at best. More likely unintelligent.

    Do I agree with everything he does? No way! He is SO WRONG on the border and amnesty issues. Do I think he is right, decent, and honest? Well, in comparison to the presidential hopefuls, particularly the Democratic side, I do. At least he does what he says. You may hate what he says he is going to do, but darn if he doesn’t see it done. At least you know where you stand. And I figure that is about as right, decent, and honest as you are going to find in Washington.

    “Nobody could be as stupid as you appear to be.”

    Since you generally consider anyone with a differing opinion than yours to be “stupid” then I am guilty as charged.

    “It simply must be some kind of anti-liberal reflex that you can not overcome.”

    Nor want to. Kind of like breathing, its a good reflex to have.

  5. anon11 says:

    Chris you sound twisted up, man.

    All qualified statements and hedges.

    No principles just obstinance.

    No ideas just meaningless re-treaded platitudes.

    You have learned well from W.

  6. Hube says:

    Let’s see:

    Hube — against Iraq War from start, still against it. This = “bloodthirsty ghoul.” (At least Jase managed to spell “ghoul” right.) Figure that one out.

    Jase — believes Bush knew in advance of 9/11 and did nothing to prevent it. This actually means Jase = insane, but hey, who’s keeping track?

  7. jason330 says:

    Check my math. (since I passed the spelling phase)

    “Against Iraq War from start” + “Bush Supporter as late as today” = Zero

    Do I get an “A” ?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I think “Bush Supporter as late as today” is multiplicative (with a value of zero). So just change the operator to multiplication and you are correct.

  9. Hube says:

    Bush supporter? Why? Because on occasion I take you [easy] task for your ridiculous assertions and protestations? Dude, you may have finally passed spelling but you still fail logic by a wide margin.

    What a laugh.

  10. Hube says:

    Do you support the Democrat Party still, Jase, even though they refuse to defund the war and bring the troops home?

  11. Hube says:

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.


  12. jason330 says:

    Oh my – I take a few seconds to put up a post and I’m called out.

    Anyhoo – Do you support the Democrat Party still, Yes, but less so. I don’t think I’ve been silent about the eff’ing losers in the Democratic party who are screwwing up.

    Now – if you have any old posts in which you call Bush an incompentent dumbass, I’d be eager to read them and be proven wrong.




    Yeah, that’s what I thought.


  13. donviti says:

    I’m pretty sure the guy is hoping. He is hoping we get hit so it teaches us a lesson.

    It is kind of like my father saying he wishes the guy with TB gets what is coming to him. There is a disconnect in people like this, they say things that aren’t thought out all the way down to the level of tragedy this would invoke.

    the guy is a moron and would like for us to be attacked again. If the death and destruction didn’t have to happen I’m sure he would relish the thought of being able to say “I told you so”

  14. Von Cracker says:

    He thinks if we get hit again, they’ll have the resurrection of the Boogey Man.

    Funny how all the terrorism arrests has been a result of law enforcement and intelligence.

    The GOP doesn’t do “intelligence”…it’s too nuanced.