New Boss same as the old boss
This shit makes me sick and it should piss you off too
It is just fucking great to know that nothing has changed in Congress. A few politicians are in jail, a few more people are indicted but they just can’t stop dishing out your tax money to special interest.
All the more reason to keep voting for change and to get rid of the likes of Biden, Castle and Carper. The longer they stick around the longer things will stay the same.
Tags: Joe Biden, Mike Castle, Tom Carper
I’m so over both Biden and Carper. Biden can’t get enough of proping up right-wing frames (eg. defunding the war would put the troops in harms way) and Carper is just a flat out corporate ho.
I am all for change. Check out
Forget it Mike. You have that R word attached to you name. Jason’s head would explode if he even thought of voting for one of ‘dem.
On the other hand, while not on board with all 50, I generally like what I see of your plan. Being new to Delaware (2 1/2 week now), I don’t have the advantage of knowing all the players but am already amazed at how accessible politicians seems over here. I never would have seen Corzine posting on a blog. He was too busy wrecking Jersey…which was such a disaster to begin with it was hard to believe it was possible to make it worse. But he has….
We like Protack around here. He is the Don Quixote of Delaware politics. Well, except I think he like windmills…
who is mike protack?