Delaware Liberal

Republicans Can’t Even Get It Right When They Make the Rules

Today the judge in the proceedings against a Gitmo detainee, dismissed the charges against the 20 year old because he was not properly charged.  The problem, it seems is that he is charge with being an enemy combatant, not an unlawful enemy combatant.  The guy has been detained since he was 15.  Military prosecutors are going to appeal the dismissal, but the court that is responsible for hearing these appeals within 72 hours hasn’t been formed yet…

The dismissal and the shock-waves caused by it may destroy the whole war crimes tribunal that was set up after the Supreme Court threw out the last one.  How many years is it going to be until these guys can even have a day in court?  No wonder Flipp Romney wants to double the size of Gitmo.  We have often said that it is wrong to put people in charge of a bureaucracy that hate the bureaucracy.  The Bush administration shouldn’t be allowed to design a justice system since they don’t believe in justice.

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