Delaware Liberal

Stick a fork in Mitt (notice I did not say “flipp”) Romney – He is done.

It is going to be Fred Thompson. You read it here first.

He looks more “presidential” than Romney (whatever that means – the media loves saying it so it must be true) and he drives a red pick-up truck around. Yes, that truck is a transparent PR gimmick, but it is a truck. And the DC media will never tire of talking about that truck for the next 18 months because it is a truck is packed full of down home quips and red meat quotes for the conservatives base. Long story short – Mitt is done.

Thompson tried out some campaign themes on Virginia Republicans and you could just hear the GOP brainless swooning.

RICHMOND, Va. — Republican Fred Thompson assailed Democrats and emphasized conservative stances Saturday, testing out a potential campaign pitch a day after taking a formal step toward a likely presidential candidacy.

In a speech to GOP loyalists, the former Tennessee senator and “Law & Order” actor lamented the country’s challenges and said that to overcome them, “we’re going to have to be more focused, we’re going to have be smarter and we’re going to have to be more determined and we’re going to have to be more together as a nation than we’ve ever been before.”

Then, he criticized Democrats.

“I listen to the Democratic congressional leaders and I hear them talking about how many (House and Senate) seats they’re going to pick up because of this war,” he said. “I listened to one of their presidential candidates talk about that this is a phony war, the war on terror. This is what passes for policy today in the Democratic party.”

Even Mitt Romney loyalist, Dave Burris is warming up to Fred. He picked right up on that John Edwards bashing.

See Romney am-scraying out of Delaware trailing a bunch of clueless Delaware Repuiblicans at Ryan’s JTTR.

Where you can also see a picture of Romney with his arm around a young woman. Ooohh La La.

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