The pResident’s Stock Price is Way Down

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 4, 2007

Looks like the price of being the Worst President Ever is $20,000/picture. A photo-op with the President during a recent visit to NJ cost $5,000 per person. During his heyday in 2000 and 2004 the same photo-op would run you $25,000. Plus the cost of taking these pictures has been greatly increased, since everyone gets to keep the “I’m with Stupid” T-shirt after the picture.


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  1. Chris says:

    “Looks like the price of being the Worst President Ever is $20,000/picture…”

    Didn’t even know Carter was charging for photos. I guess I can learn something here.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Well at least the head injury hasn’t damaged your sense of humor, Chris. Modern medicine is amazing. Did you have to go to Cuba for an operation like that?

  3. Chris says:

    “Well at least the head injury hasn’t damaged your sense of humor, Chris. Modern medicine is amazing. Did you have to go to Cuba for an operation like that?”

    No but I will have to if Obama gets his way.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, because we Americans just couldn’t get good healthcare unless it has a 50% markup. Our Government isn’t smart enough to do things better than the rest of the industrialized world. Perhaps Bush should put Wolfowitz in charge of developing a national healthcare plan…

  5. Chris says:

    “Our Government isn’t smart enough to do things better than the rest of the industrialized world. ”

    Better than the rest of the world? Like who?

    I know people in Canada. It takes them nine months to get an appointment to see their regular doctor. What is the point of having healthcare coverage if you can’t actually get the healthcare when you are sick? I guess they can get the drugs cheaper, but by the time they get to the man or woman who can prescribe those drugs, they probably don’t really need them anymore.

    And who leads the world in the best surgical and medical developments? What could so many world leaders find interesting in Rochester, MN?

    So forgive me if I don’t believe a national health care plan, particularly government run, will work. It is one of those ideas that works so well in your little Utopian world, but can’t seem to work outside a five mile radius of Walden pond.

    And by the way if you are looking for numbers. Check these out from WHO (they aren’t some right wingnut site are they?)

    Physicians per 1000 people (in 2002 except where indicated):

    France – 3.3
    Germany – 3.3
    Australia (2000) – 2.6
    UK – 2.1
    Canada – 2.1

    and where is the country that isn’t as smart as the industrialized world?

    US – 5.5