What Edwards said.

Filed in National by on June 4, 2007

The GOP lie machine is going full tilt trying to smear John Edwards – and even local blogger Dave Burris is pitching in and helping push the bogus Fred Thompson talking point.

What he said was:

But what this global war on terror bumper sticker — political slogan, that’s all it is, all it’s ever been — was intended to do was for George Bush to use it to justify everything he does: the ongoing war in Iraq, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, spying on Americans, torture.None of those things are OK. They are not the United States of America.

If anyone can deny any of that you are simply living in a RNC PR fantasy world.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. Hube says:

    Are we living in fantasy world, too, if we don’t think Bush knew in advance of 9/11 and did nothing about it?

  2. FSP says:

    I think the federal agents who prevented JFK from being blown up would disagree.

  3. Duffy says:

    Does this mean there are no terrorists? Does it mean that even when we were headed to Afghanistan to topple the Taliban and destroy al-Qaeda that was a myth? Just an effort to continue a war in Iraq that hadn’t started yet?

  4. jason330 says:

    Would you get off that Hube, you sound insane.

    Everyone knows Bush ignored the April PDB about OBL. Bush knew enough about AQ’s plans to stop them. That is all I have ever said.

    Everyone (who is not called Hube) accepts that Bush knew.

  5. Hube says:

    No, you did NOT “ever say that.” You never once denied this over at Colossus when I brought up that 26% of Democrats that think Bush knew in advance of 9/11.

    You keep peddling the BS that the PDB was some sort of specific intel. This is why you’re a complete moonbat. It is YOU who come off as insane. Accept it.

  6. jason330 says:

    The tin foil hat position on the left is that Bush knew and allowed 9-11 to happen to further his agenda. I can see where these folks are coming from, but I don’t buy it.
    I think there was enough information around for Bush to stop it but, being a nit wit, he did not put it together.
    Hube takes the tin foil hat position on the right and says that Bush did not have enough infomation to do anything to prevent 9-11 and that Bush is doing a heck of a job.
    There are bad people who want to hurt Americans. Bush is not doing anything to stop them. In fact, he is making matters worse with his empty rhetoric. That is what Edwards is saying.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Bu$hCo learned from one of the masters:

    “Naturally the common people don’t want war. But after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”

    – Hermann Goering, Hitler’s Reich Marshall, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II.

    When did this war on “terror” begin? How will we know when it ends?

    Edwards is right, the GWOT is just a propaganda tool to keep the people scared and to make sure voters elect a John Wayne Daddy to watch over us all.

    And just like the wimps that got us into this maelstrom, Wayne made up reasons not to fight in WWII – no wonder he’s the template for all Republican presidential candidates!

    PeeWee Hube’s rockin’ the house with the “I know you are, but what am I?” defense! Priceless!!

    Dude, the f’ing header on the PDB said “Bin Laden DETIRMINED to attack in US”.


    How much clearer can you get????

    Of course on Aug 6th, 2001 – Bu$h was on vacation clearing brush, so he couldn’t be bothered, so he just had his Goomah, Condi, say it was old intel….

    The CIA does not, out of nowhere, distribute a PDB with “old intel”, unless that “old intel” is suddenly relevant again.

  8. Ryan S. says:

    Because we all know that bin Laden didn’t start planning 9-11 until January 20, 2001…

  9. Hube says:

    Dude, the f’ing header on the PDB said “Bin Laden DETIRMINED to attack in US”.

    Oh, puh-lease. The moonbattery is in full swing. Gee, “bin Laden DETERMINED to strike at US.” Like that was any NEW news!! Are you people all serial or what? It’s the former, and you can’t control it.

    Meanwhile (and this’ll get dimwitty all giddy) Clinton … let OBL slip right through his cum-stained fingers…. Eight MONTHS vs. EIGHT YEARS. That’s a great comparison you cretins.

    Jase, you remain, as ever, a Neanderthal-browed proto humanoid.

  10. anon11 says:

    “The tin foil hat position on the left is that Bush knew and allowed 9-11 to happen to further his agenda. I can see where these folks are coming from, but I don’t buy it.

    Over a 1/3 of the American public buys it. This means around 100 million foil hats. It sets me to wondering whether the Bushies have aluminum interests.


    “Upon his confirmation as Bush’s secretary of the treasury, Paul O’Neill promised to avoid conflicts of interest by divesting himself of stock in Alcoa, the aluminum corporation he once headed. But Salon.com has revealed that O’Neill failed to sell off the stock. That was lucky for O’Neill, as the Bush administration directed a number of aluminum suppliers in the western United States to stop production as an energy conservation move. The global aluminum supply was reduced by 5 percent, a twist that caused Alcoa stock to run up by 30 percent. Advantage O’Neill, as the value of the stocks he failed to divest rose in value by as much as $60 million.”

    Supply was down while demand was up, what with all the hat-making.

    How convenient.

    All kidding aside it does not take any tin foil headwear to tune into the fact that 9-11 has hugely benefited Bush and his perpetual war crowd but no one else including Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has benefited from the war in Iraq but certainly not 9-11.

    The Bushies milked 9-11 like it was their prize cow and they did so as if it was well planned in advance. Look at the Patriot Act written long before 9-11 so it could be rammed through Congress in the dramatic weeks afterwards. Were they just ready for their new Pearl Harbor or just ready to launch their fascist schemes no matter what?

    It is undisputed that their eyes were on middle east war before they even took office. They needed a “catalyzing event”. Just like their PNAC plan called for.

    Given that they had their insane war mongering all planned out in policy papers how convenient it was for them that some far flung terrorists made it all happen for them so perfectly. Right on schedule. Startling coincidences in their favor no?

    Bush didn’t care about the 8-01 PDB because he already knew what was going to happen. It is also why he sat around with his thumb up his ass when it actually did.

  11. jason330 says:

    oh snap! That one hurt.

    I guess I’d resort to name calling if I was one of the five remaining people in the state who thinks Bush is doing a heck of a job.

  12. jason330 says:

    Very well put anon11.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Hube: The “MO” is known and it’s been played out.

    1. Bring up the subject you want to talk about.

    2. Say it’s incorrect without any evidence.

    3. Slam the messenger (try questioning his manhood, $400 haircuts or looks gay works well).

    4. Clinton’s Penis

    5. Hilary’s Penis

    6. 9/11

    7. September 11th, 2001

    And answer me this, Hube, since you neglected to do so with your last diatribe:

    Why did the CIA feel so compelled to include old, re-hashed intel into one of the rare times their analysts are able to get the Executive’s attention?

  14. Chris says:

    So anon11? Was Clinton in on it too? After all, he let attack after attack go unanswered. Was that all so that could build up to the spectacular 9-11? Gore (God Help Us) actually chaired a report on airport security that called for major necessary sercurity changes. Clinton ignored it. Hmmm…maybe he was looking for the same event to happen to galvanize the nation. After all, the 9-11 Commission found that the attack was originally planned for August, 2000, while Clinton was still president. So it only seems logical that Clinton was in on it too….

    BTW…this is to illustrate how ridiculous you sound. Just in case the point doesn’t get through the foil.

  15. FSP says:

    ” In the first presidential debate last month in South Carolina, Edwards was one of four Democrats—including Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel—who said they did not believe there was a global war on terror.” (lk)

    Jason lives in a fantasy world where he thinks that he can say something, put it out on the tubes, and PRESTO, it’s true.

    Edwards was challenged on what he said on May 23rd. You quoted his debate performance from last night.

  16. donviti says:

    Von Cracker,

    Hube will be calling you a name shortly, not answer your question and bring up something old and not related to the subject.

    standard comic book junkie playbook.

    don’t get angry with him, he can’t help his ideology, it blinds him from the present.

  17. jason330 says:

    My point stands.

    When you cozy up to Fred Thompson’s BS PR in favor of cozying up to the truth that the global war on terror is some Bush created nonsense you are not helping protect America – in fact you are doing the opposite.

    The bottom line is that the GOP has nothing but fear and empty rhetoric.

  18. anon11 says:

    “Was Clinton in on it too?”

    Clinton is a shady character. Nothing points to his knowledge as far as I have seen though.

    What you fail to grasp is that all these side points about reports and security measures and the Clinton era amount to squat when the perpertrators are operating within the government itself.

    People like Cheney know all the strings to pull, all the buttons to push, all the blinders to strap on, and all the confusion to create while they operate in the shadows.

    They had so many “war games” all crammed into 9-11 “by coincidence” that it confused any real response to the actual false flag operation they intended that day. Remember the recording of an air traffic controller saying “is this real world or an exercise?” when informed of the first hit. This was because they had piled so many war games into that one day that no one knew what was going on until it was over. Queer huh?

    Another example : In a rather inexplicable move in July 2001 Bush ordered the final say so for the North American defense response to wayward aircraft to be removed from the Pentagon and put directly into the hands of……..THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Queer huh? Why would anyone do this?

    It meant Cheney was pre determined to be in the bunker in control of everything while 9-11 was hatched. It is why Norm Mineta testified that he heard Cheney give orders NOT to shoot down a “plane” headed to the Pentagon when they were tracking it as far as 30 or 40 miles out. Queer huh?

    This Cheney Bush bunch are as black as the oil they line their pockets with. I would never put it past them now that their global dominance fantasy could justify in their minds pulling off a 9-11 to achieve their long term ends. We know they don’t give a shit about human life. Why would they care any more about sacrificing 3000 Americans to the “cause” than they have cared about the many more they have sacrificed in Iraq without remorse. These people are vicious and psychopathic.

    I seriously fear now that they are nearing the end and the whole world is against them they are ready to hatch 9-11 Part Deux – the nuclear phase. Iran will be blamed. Martial law to follow. Bush just issued the directive making him the supreme dictator during any such crisis :



    I am telling you these people are maniacs.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Best line I’ve heard since 9/11:

    “When liberals saw 9-11, we wondered how we could make the country safe. When conservatives saw 9-11, they saw an investment opportunity.”

    – some random guy

    Couldn’t have been put any better….

  20. anon11 says:

    I don’t know man. That kind of rhetoric from either side only strengthens the hands of Bush and Cheney by dividing the country along severe “patriotic “fault lines. As long as they have deep polarization they never have to compromise or even listen.

    What this country is facing is actually a relatively small group of very powerful very exclusive very interconnected and very sick people. Conservative or liberal I doubt there are many Americans at all who would ever support what they are doing if they knew the whole truth.

    Another George Bush speaking about another Bush-centric scandal summed it up years ago in a June, 1992 exclusive and published interview granted to Sarah McClendon, the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time:

    McClendon : “George Bush, what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?”

    G.H.W.Bush : “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.”

    You got that right Poppy.

  21. Chris says:

    “McClendon : “George Bush, what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?”

    G.H.W.Bush : “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.”

    You got that right Poppy.”

    I researched this a bit and found several references. ALL of them from unreputable leftist websites. Funny that the only reputable site that showed it was an investment magazine and it appeared in a comment posted by a user, not as an article on the site.

    So, either this didn’t really take place and is liberal poppycock, or the remark was taken out of context. Which isn’t hard to believe since this “Grand Dame” you speak off was a flighty liberal individual to begin with.

  22. Chris says:

    ““When liberals saw 9-11, we wondered how we could make the country safe. When conservatives saw 9-11, they saw an investment opportunity.”

    – some random guy

    Couldn’t have been put any better….”

    Actually it an be better put.

    “When liberals saw 9-11, they wondered how they could pretend to be conservative for the political advantage. When conservatives saw 9-11, they saw EVIL and knew that we had to do everything in our power to defeat it.”

    – some Intelligent guy

  23. Chris says:

    “Clinton is a shady character. Nothing points to his knowledge as far as I have seen though.

    Yeah, I guess the first World Trade Center bombing, the USS Cole, and a couple of embassies weren’t quite enough. Neither was being handed OBL gift wrapped.

    Go back to your little conspiracy factory and keep praying for the 9-11 part deux, just so you can be right.

  24. anon11 says:

    Go back to your little conspiracy factory

    I think you mean my conspiracy facts, oh genius one.

    and keep praying for the 9-11 part deux, just so you can be right.

    Godsakes you are as sick as they are. As for me I pray every day they be smited by the Lord’s divine justice before they can maime, murder and mutilate any more of His creation.

  25. Chris says:

    “Godsakes you are as sick as they are. As for me I pray every day they be smited by the Lord’s divine justice before they can maime, murder and mutilate any more of His creation.”

    Bush and Co. I am sure….not the terrorists I suspect.

  26. The voice in your head says:

    When conservatives saw 9-11, they saw EVIL and knew that we had to do everything in our power to defeat it.

    When are they planning and starting that?

  27. Chris says:

    “When conservatives saw 9-11, they saw EVIL and knew that we had to do everything in our power to defeat it.”

    Already started. They are planning on defeating the Democrats in 2008 last time I checked.

  28. anon11 says:

    Bush and Co. I am sure….not the terrorists I suspect.

    No need to differentiate. If the shit fits, wear it.

  29. liberalgeek says:

    You see, Chris, that is the problem with Republicans like you. You want to jump on Dems for being critical of republicans that don’t apply logic and science to problems, but then call anyone that disagrees with Bush as an evil that must be defeated. I assume that you are kidding, but that is the shit that really will do in the R’s. I don’t think it is possible that 70% of the country can be anti-American. Perhaps the 30% that approve of Bush are the Anti-Americans…

  30. Chris says:

    “Perhaps the 30% that approve of Bush are the Anti-Americans…”

    It must kill you that his “low” approval rating is still higher than that of the Democratic-controlled congress. That “win” in 2006 may prove costly for you in 2008.

    And Yes I was kidding. Was hoping there was at least one person on here with sense enough to see that. Good to know.

  31. Von Cracker says:

    “It must kill you that his “low” approval rating is still higher than that of the Democratic-controlled congress. That “win” in 2006 may prove costly for you in 2008.”

    Chris: You can’t even do simple research.

    Bush: 28 to 35% (depending on which poll you use, Rasmussen (sp?) is always the hightest for W).

    Dem Congress: Even after the war funding bill just past, it’s around 44%.

    If you want Fantasy, I’m sure there’s a Battlestar Galactica forum somewhere on the internet 🙂