All blacks look alike to Fox News

Filed in National by on June 5, 2007


Note: Joe Biden thinks appearing in Fox is no big deal.

Troll Note: Yes, Rep. William Jefferson should resign. And if he doesn’t the Democrats should kick him out.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. David says:

    That’s a freaking howl!

  2. jason330 says:

    I wonder why they did not just cut to some stock footage of black people? The Rodney King riots, or Hatian boat people for example.

  3. donviti says:

    I just don’t see where the problem is. Fox made an obvious mistake. It is not like the MSM doesnt’ do the same thing.

  4. Tyler Nixon says:

    What’s the big deal? I am sure if Donviti were on Fox they would cut away to pictures of Don Corleone….

    In all seriousness, Donviti has a point. The news tickers on all the major networks are often so full of word butchery and mistakes I laugh out loud.

    This was the work of some clueless low-level editor using stock footage, probably the same churmoistener who types the news tickers. I am certainly no fan or even watcher of Fox News, but this is obviously not some racial thing.

  5. jason330 says:

    Regents University Communications Department Grad.

  6. Chris says:

    “Regents University Communications Department Grad.”

    Oh that is right. Christian based education=DUMB. If it is not an elitist Ivy-League LIBERAL institution it is highly unworthy.

    When you get out of Junior high, and maybe high school (you may fail history though), I hope you can get into one of those elitist secular schools. Wouldn’t want you to end up dumb.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    So Regents is a well-respected academic institution, Chris? Do you really want to defend Regents?

  8. donviti says:

    Just because we have the perception that FOX is biased doesn’t give us the right to pick every little thing they do apart you know, they have a job to do and an audience to persuade.

    the audience thinks all darkies are the same, so why should they bother.

    thanks for the back up tyler

    now as soon as you see another company make the same repeated mistakes that fox makes, let us know!

  9. Chris says:

    “the audience thinks all darkies are the same, so why should they bother.”

    You couldn’t be more off base if you played for Phillies. EVERY RACIST BIGOT I have met in my life (except 1) was a Democrat with supposed “liberal” leanings.

    Think about who is most preoccupied with race? Liberals? We have the “Congressional BLACK Caucus”, “National Association for the Advancement of COLORED PEOPLE”. You guys are advocates for “Affirmative Action” which more often than not uses race as a judge of someone’s value.

    It was the GOP that put African-Americans in the highest Government positions they had ever earned. And instead of been acknowledged for achieving what they did, they were ripped apart as “Uncle Toms” and “sellouts”.

    The ONLY way to overcome racism is to drop the constant separating and labeling of the different races. I am not advocating homogeny however. There is no problem with people retaining their cultural history and celebrating it. Just like Italian-Amercians and Irish-Americans due with annual festivals.

    But if a college started having a quotient on the number of Italian-Americans they had to accept, or the number of whites they had to accept, they would be tore a new one. So to have a number of African-Americans you have to accept is a disgusting double standard. Admit people solely on the basis of their merit, not their race.

    So look in the mirror and tell me who the real racists in this country are. They are the ones hiding under liberal pretense.

  10. jason330 says:

    EVERY RACIST BIGOT I have met in my life (except 1) was a Democrat with supposed “liberal” leanings.

    Every Welsh person I’ve ever met was a mean cheap bastard, and I’ve know over 15 Welsh people.

  11. donviti says:

    I’m welsh

  12. donviti says:

    Instead of Drinking Liberally we should have Cross Burning Tuesday’s at a colored persons house!

    that might get better turnout according to Chris’ assumptions.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    “You couldn’t be more off base if you played for Phillies. EVERY RACIST BIGOT I have met in my life (except 1) was a Democrat with supposed “liberal” leanings.”

    Don’t confuse “union” votes as liberal.

    And I should know, both sides of my family were heavily union, blue-collar, Irish and German, and very racist.

    Liberalism today is more Progressivism than old-school Union, and Progressives are NOT racist.

    And, please, just look at what the GOP harbors…Dixiecrats (Thanks LBJ for purging those bastards), elite Southerners (basically the same as Dixiecrats), separatist militias, and far-right hate groups.

    What about far-left? PETA, no not really. New England intellectual elitist? There’s a strong correlation showing educated individuals are less likely to be racist (and it’s not only applicable to whites).

    And we all know the GOP is home to the anti-intellectual movement.

  14. jason330 says:

    donviti Says:

    I’m welsh

    Case closed.

  15. Chris says:

    “just look at what the GOP harbors…Dixiecrats”
    Hmm. Didn’t know Senator Robert “Sheets” Byrd was a Republican.

    “elite Southerners”
    Didn’t know Clinton was either.

    “separatist militias”
    That comes from the libertarians not the Republicans. Oh wait, that is right, the Nation of Islam and Black Panthers are Republican organizations.

    “and far-right hate groups” – Yes, we LOVE the neo-nazis. Too bad they don’t love us. You can keep them.

    “There’s a strong correlation showing educated individuals are less likely to be racist (and it’s not only applicable to whites).”

    And since it is the left that constantly shows its anti-semitism with regard to supporting arabs over Israel…I guess you have disproved your own closing statement.


  16. donviti says:

    von Cracker 1
    Chris 0

    nice try with the antisemitism. Try again though. you missed your mark on that one.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Once again, the Rethug mind at work – An exception to the rule equates the rule null and void.

    Clinton grew up dirt poor. Byrd has consistently repented for his narrow-mindedness of the 1950’s. Gun-wackos vote GOP to make their vote count.

    And disagreeing with Israeli policy does not make someone an anti-Semite. But Jew-run Hollywood is the new Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the Christian Right. The Right’s love affair with Israel runs only as far as their hatred of Islam.

    Have you ever taking a logic class? Rhetoric?

    I mean, do you always think like a 5-year-old? It is quite revealing and sad.

  18. Alan Coffey says:

    Recount, recount!

    von Cracker 0
    Chris 1

    That’s better. Say goodnight Gracie.

  19. donviti says:

    good point allen,

    being a liberal no doubt we misvoted and it should be looked into.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah Allen, Chris got me!

    I make no sense whatsoever. Hell, I don’t even live on this planet! I spun off years ago, November 7th, 2000 to be exact. 🙂

  21. Chris says:

    “Don’t confuse “union” votes as liberal.

    And I should know, both sides of my family were heavily union, blue-collar, Irish and German, and very racist.”

    But they are STILL A MAINSTAY of the Democratic party. You are allowed to disavow this large section of the Democratic party and yet the GOP gets blamed for a bunch of Neo-Nazis who vote Libertarian anyway. And I am the one being accused of being illogical. Yeah, that makes sense.

  22. Chris says:

    “But Jew-run Hollywood is the new Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the Christian Right.”

    I believe that is LIBERAL run Hollywood. Mel Gibson and his Daddy are about the only ones that still believe “jews” run Hollywood.

    The Right’s love affair with Israel runs only as far as their hatred of Islam.”

    Really? Last time I checked, Jesus was Jewish. In fact, the main “religious” organizations that harbor anti-semitism are the radical African-American denominations. You know, the ones that let wonderful racists human beings like Al Sharpton be minister. Oh yeah…he is a Republican too…silly me.

  23. jason says:

    Mel Gibson? What’s he got to do with anything?

    As usual we’ve departed from the main point of the post; Fox News’ half-assed racist reporting.

    John Conyers has this to say:

    “Fox News has a history of inappropriate on-air mistakes that are neither fair, nor balanced. This type of disrespect for people of color should no longer be tolerated. I am personally offended by the network’s complete disregard for accuracy in reporting and lackluster on-air apology.” – House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI)

  24. Chris says:

    Now it is my turn to play conspiracy theorist..since it is such a popular thing around here.

    Fact #1: The Democratic candidates are getting heat for skipping a debate co-sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus.

    Fact #2: The heat is coming from both Fox News and the CBC.

    Fact #3: Fox News made a mistake (happens occasionally when you run news nearly 24 hours of the day) which happen to involve a person of color.

    National Result: Democrats, whose sole profession in life is playing politics, seize the opportunity to make a mountain out of a molecule, in hopes of driving a wedge between Fox News and CBC and let that take the heat off of them for being cowardly weasels that aren’t willing to answer tough questions at a debate.

    Local results: Jason, the 8 year-old boy that runs, parrots the Democratic strategy and swears it as gospel. Especially since it involves his favorite media outlet. Von Cracker, another parrot around the place, decides to hang the GOP, you know, the party started by Lincoln to free the slaves, and the party that helped LBJ overcome the racism in his own party to finally pass the civil rights act, as a racist party. He does so by pointing to a tiny pathetic minority of wackos, who hardly vote Republican anyway as his prove, while at the same time admitting their is a large amount of racism in a major demographic of the Democrats.

    Quite a birthday present for me today I must say.

    Thanks guys.

  25. Fox needs to issue an immediate apology by admiting they made a mistake. Every day newspapers make either printed or picture mistakes. Then, the next day they simply publish a retraction. Fox needs to do the same ASAP. If they don’t, it will simply strengthen their position as the most devious broadcasting station.

  26. Chris says:

    “it will simply strengthen their position as the most devious broadcasting station”

    Yeah, they keep it up they might even beat out CBS for that. Or has Fox news already started faking documents in an effort to derail an election?

  27. donviti says:


    were you off the planet the week that Rupert Murdoch Admits He Tried to Shape Public Opinion on the Iraq War during an otherwise smug and elitist conversation at the DAVOS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM which took place in January 2007.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Chris: I agree, there’s racism in both parties, but the Dems can’t “go to the well” when it’s needed. It’s still a major voting block within the GOP. Remember the Harold Ford commercial, with the white woman whispering “Call me”?

    Now, what was the purpose of that?

    The GOP OWNS racism, like it thinks it owns Jeebus.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    And go down south and ask the bible-thumpers down there “Who killed Jesus?” See what they say and get back to us.

    I’d tell you the answer (because I’ve actually spent time in south-central Georgia), but I think you need to find out for yourself.

  30. jason330 says:

    Good point Von. It is one thing to have some racists members and another thing to have a party in which racism is part of the fabric of the organization.

  31. Chris says:

    “Good point Von. It is one thing to have some racists members and another thing to have a party in which racism is part of the fabric of the organization.”

    It would be a good point if there was any truth to it. Sorry Von, I went to college in the South and found the people quite delightful. And again, the only “racists” I ran across happened to be Dems.

    I also actually attended church down there in several different denominations. Nothing but respect for the Jewish people, since after all, Jesus WAS jewish and so were most of the players in the Old Testament.

    And if any party “owns” racism it is totally the Dems. It is the one thing they do well. They have a large block of whites that are anti-semitic and anti-black that get played to when need be. Then they also have a segment of African-Americans. SOME (not all) of the these African-Americans are also anti-semitic and in many cases anti-white.

    So as a result, Dems are CONSTANTLY raising racism as an issue and keeping the groups separated instead of working on unity.

    So believe what you want. But take it from a longtime GOP’er, the racism ain’t here. Keep looking around. But if you look beyond your own party you will probably miss it.