UPDATED: Brandywine School District Residents say “fuck you” to the ignorant

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 5, 2007

UPDATE:Hube has an update that is worth reading.

ok, maybe that is too strong but the logic behind voting No against a referrendum to raise taxes $170 is ridiculous. Gee, lets vote against something that in the end is going to help our children and ultimately help our property values as people will want to move to the area for our schools.

Brandywine voters say yes to plan
Referendum OK’d with 54 percent; new voters swell turnout figures

“It’s an important investment whether you have children or not,” she added. “The majority of the community will be adversely impacted if the investment isn’t made. It’s a sacrifice; it’s a sacrifice by people who are impacted by taxes. But it’s a vital investment.”

well said…but the other side sounds like this…

Ron Fricke, 18, of Cragmere in Brandywine Hundred, who graduated from Brandywine High School on Sunday, said he voted against the referendum for the second time.

“I just don’t agree with the whole full-day kindergarten,” he said. “I have a 6-year-old sister who just graduated from half-day kindergarten. They’re just not ready to be away from mom that long. I think half-day kindergarten is a good setting. There are some who would benefit. But I don’t think the majority of them are ready.

well Ron, when you have a child and have no choice or money for day care, then you will be singing a different tune, but hey you have to love an 18 year old that voted. I respect that even if I don’t respect his immature position.

My children thank you, now to you all that voted no here are some cost saving tips to eke out $170 a year:

1. Kohls has 10% Tuesdays for Seniors,

2. There are plenty of early bird specials locally

3. Stop driving on Sundays with gas at $3 a gallon that will save tons

4. Don’t spend money on heart medicine, the sooner you die the less you pay

5. Stop coloring your hair, you are gray and it looks blue in flourescent lighting

6. Stop giving money to the church, you’ve done well up to this point, God will understand

7. Tell your grandchildren that the new textbook they got was an early Christmas gift

8. Jack up a Bank of America credit card and don’t pay it back, you are a goner soon and they don’t really need it back

9. Stop giving money to Biden, Castle and Carper. They don’t need it, they are loaded and it is time for someone else to legislate.

If any of you bleeding heart readers have some tips for those that are worried about the $170 increase please forward your tips too, shutthefuckupandpay@yahoo.com


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hiding in the open

Comments (18)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    This is a classic post. Thanks. Welcome WDEL listeners.

  2. Duffy says:

    “well Ron, when you have a child and have no choice or money for day care”

    What if I don’t have the $170 in taxes?

    Here’s another cost saving tip: Don’t have kids you can’t afford to raise.

  3. Chris says:


    You have just summed up liberal thinking in one sentence (actually one word).

    Ok. Fine. Schools today. Worthy cause. But what’s next? Raise a tax here, raise a tax there. Shut up and pay for this, shut up and pay for that and when we finally have all your money, don’t worry, will take care you…as long as you keep voting for us.


    And for the record, I am in strong favor of a full-day kindergarten. Though I am not in Brandywine, I probably would have voted for it, but I can certainly understand those that didn’t. They are far from ignorant. In fact, they are VERY aware of where this eventually leads. Slopes can be slippery on both sides of the aisle.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, school funding is very screwed up. Keep in mind that the taxes SHOULD rise with the value of a home, but since the legislature refuses to reassess the home values in the state, we end up with these bizzaro tax increases just to make ends meet. And when you look at school property tax, we beat the hell out of NJ an PA, and in some places you are really getting a value for that money (Appoquinimink, for example).

  5. donviti says:

    I just loved going to the polls yesterday and seeing the senior citizens shuffling up the stairs. I hate to assume, but you can be sure a majority of them are voting no, this bogus, I can’t afford the increase bullshit.

    My dad voted yes and he is a Republican.

  6. Chris says:

    True, but things will go better if some hardline spending responsibilities are built in. I just came from NJ where the school taxes were high and the schools were still cutting programs left and right and riffing teachers. However, just in Gloucester County alone with an estimated population of 271,806 (less people than attend the Indy 500) there are 26 school districts. Each has a Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Board, and all assorted support staff. Very top heavy. And when one guy suggested changing it (about the only thing I ever agreed with this bozo on) and consolidating the administration (at least Superindentent and School Board) to the county level, he got shouted down. All the money they could have saved would have bolstered the education without raising taxes.

    Now I realize it is different here in DE, with only a handful of school districts in NCC. But maybe consolidation into a county-wide administration is in order. It would save a little bit of money, allow more cost effective use of shared services and purchasing power (market stuff again). To work it would ABSOLUTELY have to prohibit bussing, and allow people to attend where they live. It would also elmininate complaints about “poorer districts”.

    MAN! I am going to lose my GOP card! What I just proposed is too close to “Redistribution of Wealth” for my tastes. Forget I suggested it.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps we should have a national school district. We could save big bucks with that… 😉

  8. donviti says:

    prohibit bussing? yeah get real, lets make the kids walk to school, oh wait we would have to build more schools, hire more teachers and tax the shit out of you.

    and how far of a walk do you suppose a kid should walk Chris?

    How would a child do that safely in delaware…oh wait I know we can tax you to get the money to make the roads safer and build sidewalks along every road.

    great idea chris, well thought out.

  9. Hube says:

    don: I wouldn’t have used the veracular, but I agree with this assessment pretty much 100%.

  10. Hube says:

    “verNacular” that should be…

  11. donviti says:


  12. Hube says:

    Full day kinder is a legitimate point of contention; however, the seniors who collect MY pay for THEIR retirement come out in droves to short-change the kids. How come we don’t get to vote on Social Security?

  13. donviti says:

    If we have a vote for that Hube I say we put the voting booths on the top floor of the rollins building and say the elevators are out.

  14. Chris says:

    “prohibit bussing?”

    I see I need to educate you (what else is new). “Bussing” means sending students half way across town to schools well out of their neighborhood to promote “diversity”. I am not talking about eliminating actual school busses. Perhaps you are more familiar with the term “matriculating”.

    It is definitely not safe for the kids. I have only been in Delaware a short time and have already, while doing 75 on 95, had my doors blown off by a big yellow school bus with “Christina School District” on the side and kids peering out the windows. But I suppose the “diversity” is well worth risking their lives for.

  15. Chris says:

    “If we have a vote for that Hube I say we put the voting booths on the top floor of the rollins building and say the elevators are out.”

    Or you can just register a bunch of dead people and vote them yourself. I am sure the Delaware Democratic party has a bunch already you can use.

  16. Hube says:

    Fulcher & Jensen are in full conspiracy mode now on the air.

  17. Alan Coffey says:

    We should simply reset the tax amount based on the sales price – or comps if one standard deviation low.

    That way those who have been in the community for a long time and paid taxes here would not see an increase. The new people coming in would pay a bit more.

    Problem solved. Go home. Tip your waitress on the way out.

  18. steamboat willy says:

    “well Ron, when you have a child and have no choice or money for day care, then you will be singing a different tune”

    nice to see you are admitting that all day kindergarten is simple state funded daycare and not an education issue.