My Email to Mike Castle’s Brain (Mike Quaranta): 50 Years is a time-line, right?

Filed in National by on June 5, 2007

Hey Mike,

Elizabeth has not gotten back to me so I figure she is off on another lobbyist paid junket. (By the way – I say, more power her to her! I understand you guys make around $26k a year and I know you don’t work for Castle out of some kind of passion for good government.)

Anyway, while she is off being wined and dined by VISA (again), I was wondering if you could get a comment from Congressman Castle on the recent disclosure that President Bush wants to keep US troops in Iraq for 50 years? Not long ago Castle voted against the Democratic bill to fully fund and equip our troops in Iraq because it had a “time-line for withdrawal.”

Well, President Bush’s new plan has a “time-line for withdrawal” only it is a 50 year time-line. Given the fact that Delaware has the second-highest Iraq war death rate, with 60 deaths per million military-age people, I’m sure Congressman Castle must have some concerns about this 50 year time-line that the President has laid out.

While we all know that in the past the Congressman has been loathe to comment on Iraq since all of his votes contradict his wishy-washy claims to “have differences” with the President, I really, really, really, really, hope that this 50 year time-line might provide the Congressman with an opportunity to make a clean unequivocal break with President Bush.

Everyone says that you do all the heavy lifting in the office, so thanks for considering it.



PS. When she does roll in from Key West or wherever, tell Elizabeth I said Hi !

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    You don’t have what it takes to help us win this war on terror. It’s a shame you don’t see the logic in occupying a country.

  2. jason330 says:

    I just don’t see the logic. Maybe I need some kind of “clockwork organge” style reprogramming in which pictures of Jesus and the words “tax cuts” and “freedom” are flashed up on a screen.
    That might do it.

  3. donviti says:

    we have to do what it takes to make our country safer

  4. Chris says:

    You guys are the Statler and Waldorf of this board. Only they were funny.

  5. donviti says:

    this guy cares about the citizens of delaware…can’t you see that Jason?