Delaware Liberal

Terry Strine flat out lied to the Washington Times

UPDATE: Well, well…It was Mike Castle himself who nixed Ting’s resolution. It seems Castle did not want the DEGOP to be at odds with his boyfriend George W. Bush. Celia Cohen then left it out of her report because she did not want her boyfriend to be at odds with the DEGOP rank and file. See how this all works like a well oiled machine? Strine screwed up by not keeping his trap shut and now the whole deal is going to hit the fan.

Granted, The Moonie Times is not a real newspaper – but it was still surprising to read this brazen lie in an article about how “fierce grassroots opposition to the (immigration) legislation is helping several state Republican parties”.

“At our state party convention two weeks ago, we passed unanimously a resolution adamantly opposing the amnesty bill,” said Delaware GOP Chairman Terry Strine, who said not one of the 350 delegates and 150 alternates to the convention voiced opposition to the resolution.


I didn’t hear anything about any GOP resolution opposing the Bush amnesty bill.

That’s because no such resolution was passed unanimously. Jan Ting offered one, but it was not considered let alone passed because of the GOP’s convention rules regarding resolutions.

So ad LIAR to the list of things that Terry Strine is and get ready for the Republicans to get into some Clintonian word parsing about what the words “passed” and “resolution” really mean.

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