Terry Strine flat out lied to the Washington Times

Filed in National by on June 5, 2007

UPDATE: Well, well…It was Mike Castle himself who nixed Ting’s resolution. It seems Castle did not want the DEGOP to be at odds with his boyfriend George W. Bush. Celia Cohen then left it out of her report because she did not want her boyfriend to be at odds with the DEGOP rank and file. See how this all works like a well oiled machine? Strine screwed up by not keeping his trap shut and now the whole deal is going to hit the fan.

Granted, The Moonie Times is not a real newspaper – but it was still surprising to read this brazen lie in an article about how “fierce grassroots opposition to the (immigration) legislation is helping several state Republican parties”.

“At our state party convention two weeks ago, we passed unanimously a resolution adamantly opposing the amnesty bill,” said Delaware GOP Chairman Terry Strine, who said not one of the 350 delegates and 150 alternates to the convention voiced opposition to the resolution.


I didn’t hear anything about any GOP resolution opposing the Bush amnesty bill.

That’s because no such resolution was passed unanimously. Jan Ting offered one, but it was not considered let alone passed because of the GOP’s convention rules regarding resolutions.

So ad LIAR to the list of things that Terry Strine is and get ready for the Republicans to get into some Clintonian word parsing about what the words “passed” and “resolution” really mean.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. donviti says:

    I think we should craft an email to the the times, copy terry on it and see what they have to say.

    I think this would be great pro action on our part!

    we can’t stop here and let this sort of shit just float around in our pool.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Actually, donviti’s idea is pretty good. You can’t buy advertising like that (getting your name mentined in a national rag, even if it is owned by Moonies.)

    I thought good looking people were stupid, don?

  3. jason330 says:

    ,i>Dear Editor,

    Although I don’t consider your paper a real newspaper – I was still surprising to read this brazen lie in an article about how “fierce grassroots opposition to the (immigration) legislation is helping several state Republican parties”.
    “At our state party convention two weeks ago, we passed unanimously a resolution adamantly opposing the amnesty bill,” said Delaware GOP Chairman Terry Strine, who said not one of the 350 delegates and 150 alternates to the convention voiced opposition to the resolution.

    In fact, no such resolution was passed, let alone passed unanimously. A resolution of the sort was offered by Jan Ting but it was not considered because of the GOP’s convention rules regarding resolutions.
    We just thought you’d like to know that your paper is printing flat out lies.

    Have a nice day!


  4. Tyler Nixon says:

    Reminds me of the Wilmington GOP endorsement non-meeting Strine cited to justify using the party resources for my opponent prior to the primary in the 1st SD race.

    Three people in the leadership meet secretly (if at all) and suddenly it’s a “unanimous” decision/endorsement/resolution.

    When I saw it in the paper I was blown away at how misleading it was.

    I guess operating in a complete bubble distorts your view of reality or makes a liar of you.

  5. steamboat willy says:

    tut tut, Mr Strine told a fib. very disapointing and counterproductive (as prevaricating always is).

    Terry could have said, “a resolution strongly condeming the Senate Amnesty plan enjoyed near unanimous support from the delegates.” as that would be a fair reading of the mood of the room…. but “we passed” is a fib.

  6. steamboat willy says:

    Tyler, your nose is growing. You know when and where the endorsement committee meeting was held, because you were invited (on short notice) and declined to attend.

  7. jason330 says:

    Strine not only lied, he went off.

    It was like he was a 6th grader bragging about some girlfriend in Wyoming who everyone knows does not exsist.

    Maybe a great many of the delagtes hated the bill, but just making crap up? That’s some odd leadership.

  8. David says:

    Tyler, your nose is growing. You know when and where the endorsement committee meeting was held, because you were invited (on short notice) and declined to attend.

    What was it, about an hour prior?

  9. anon says:

    get ready for the Republicans to get into some Clintonian word parsing about what the words “passed” and “resolution” really mean.

    Steamboat, what does it feel like to be so gosh darn predictable?

  10. Tyler Nixon says:

    Steamboat is predictably wrong, per usual, and quite mixed up.

    He is talking about their secret ad hoc “endorsement interviews” in which I refused to participate over open process and rules objections (after being given one business day’s notice, by the way). These star chamber meetings had neither precedent nor authority. The region broke the very rules that just a few years before I had both written and worked hard to get passed by the entire Wilmington Region with dozens of people in attendance. After that people like steamboat drove everyone else away and the region has been dead ever since.

    What I am talking about is the Wilmington Region meeting that no one knew about, that had no quorom, no minutes, and no business other than the endorsement of my opponent. (Forget the looming 2006 election for everything else). To this day the Wilmington Chair has not produced so much as a slip of paper to establish, provide, certify, or otherwise even pretend to record the meeting’s attendance, voting, or even basic legitimacy to act for the entire City GOP. I heard it was 5 people total (not a quorom), two of whom were not even from the city anyway.

    They then immediately reported this fraud to Strine to run with as a vaunted party endorsement, for him to say the state party “supported” whatever the “region” decided.

    Whatever. I worked very hard to create open party rules and notice requirements to prevent the kind of garbage they pulled in the 1st SD GOP primary race and in our GOP generally. The bad faith and corruption they demonstrated was on such a basic, fundamental process level that it has kept me from even submitting myself to the presence of these people unless absolutely necessary.

    Make up all the steam to trash you like willy. I guess I’ll take my big shnoz over your brown one.

  11. steamboat willy says:

    so the meetings were non meetings that did or did not meet, in secret, that you only recieved one day’s notice for, that you didn’t attend because they didn’t happen????

    but I’m the one who is mixed up and making stuff up?

  12. Tyler Nixon says:

    The only things that are “non” at this point are your coherence and intelligibility, bs willy.

    Ooops..I meant sb willy.

  13. FSP says:

    #1 – You don’t know that Strine wasn’t misquoted.

    #2 – Mike Castle had nothing to do with anything.

    Best I can remember, Jan Ting offered a resolution that was not allowed to be considered because it was not submitted in the proper time frame, and he essentially agreed with the ruling. He was allowed to read his resolution.

  14. jason says:

    1) Misquoted? LOL!! He went on for a paragraph.

    2) Your view from the convention floor is so noted. (As if a SC Chair and blogger (gasp!) would be allowed in with the big boys.)


    #2 – Mike Castle had nothing to do with anything.

    kind if sums up his career in Congress, don’t it?

  15. motsmitty says:

    #2 – Mike Castle had nothing to do with anything.

    kind if sums up his career in Congress, don’t it?

    J – are you saying you lied to set up FSP on this comment, then?

    …and…Mike Castle was not the one to block the resolution. Go smack your so-called source up the head, or go pick up your misfired dart from the floor – you missed the dartboard by a mile. BTW, I saw your face-image dartboard still near Wenky. There is now a big, gaping hole where your left eye used to be.

  16. jason says:

    If my source was right about the lie – what’s to say they are not right about Castle being the one who scotched the Ting deal?

    anyway…why are you guys so into protecting Castle? What’s he ever done for you?

  17. Mike Protack says:

    Ting’s resolution had merit and deserved to be heard and acted on not dismissed.

    It would have been the only action at the convention. Conventions need to be a source of activity and ideas not a bland social event which is becoming more and more meaningless.

  18. motsmitty says:

    anyway…why are you guys so into protecting Castle? What’s he ever done for you?

    Jason – this is nothing to do with protecting Castle, but everything to do with telling you the truth…from an eyewitness. Like Dave B and Mike P, I was there, too. Go smackity-smack your source in the head.

    If my source was right about the lie –
    Uh…they found a online news link and they read Mike Matthews postcard post stating that Richard Forsten stopped it?

    Get out that smackity-smack!