My letter to Beth Miller at the News Journal Regarding St. Hedwig School

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 7, 2007

Good Morning, I see that you have written a few articles regarding the St. Hedwig School closing and was just curious if you or anyone was planning on doing one final piece on the school.  Tomorrow is their last day. You know I can remember as a kid attending St. Mary Magdallen and dreaming the school would be close due to snow, rain or any other act of God that was possible.  But not in a million years do you really think it will happen.  As fourth generation St. Hedwig Students it is the end of more than just a school, it really is one of the final chapters of the tiny Polish Community known as Hedgeville.  Sadly, it is how life goes, but even sadder is how it is always our children that suffer more. Oh well enough lamenting.  I was just curious. 

Have a great day. 


Driving  off of the MLK exit seeing the trash, boarded up houses and vagrants that wander around half sober staring at you like you are an outsider are part of the joys of taking my kids to school that I will not miss.  Quite frankly it is a shit pit and at the same time a crying shame what the city let happen to that area. 

and to be honest driving in the morning isn’t so bad, there are less vagrants wandering around.  It is the after school activities that I really dispise, driving to pick up your child for volleyball practice and waiting for the 15 year old girl to cross a three way stop while pushing her stroller diagonally through the intersection, at the same time trying to smoke a joint will always be one of my fondest memories. 


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