Delaware Liberal


This is a guess post from frequent Delaware commenter, Disbelief.

I read donviti’s post about St. Hedwig’s and Wilmington, and was saddened by his description of what has happened to the city, and even more saddened by the fact that no hope is in sight.  I reacted to don’s comment about the teenager with the baby crossing the intersection in a manner designed to be a pain in the ass to as many people as possible by thinking, “Its her turf.  She can walk anywhere she wants.  You are not supposed to be there.”  That thought is just a bit cynical and shows a political attitude that “We can’t do anything about it.”  That’s the kind of attitude that allowed the DE GOP to rot from within, and threatens a growing effort to prevent the Del Dems from making the same mistakes of mindlessly complying with a status quo of authority and authority figures that stifles hope and prevents progress and hope.

Wilmington is the actual center of the State in many ways (except geographically, hube, in case you point this out to me).  What can we do to improve it?

Someone made a tongue-in-cheek comment some time ago about Tyler Nixon running for Mayor of Wilmington.  Why would I, as a Democrat, think this is a good idea?  At some point we need results.  At some point, we have to shed the sycophants who demand loyalty to their party and enforced condemnation of the other party.  At some point, we must get behind the best leader on the horizon and say, “This would be good for the State; let party affiliations be damned.”  Tyler has been forestalled at every turn by his party’s status quo.  But a city Mayoral race is different.  If he can’t move the party core, he can go around it by running a race typically outside the Strine/Rakestraw/Castle purview.

And for those Democrats who feel this idea smacks of disloyalty coming from a Democrat, think of the moral victory we could enjoy by saying, “If the GOP refuses to elect its best leaders, the Dems will do it for them.”

Hey Tyler; think about it.

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