Delaware Liberal

Terry Strine flat out lied to the Washington Times: Part II

No word back from Mike Quaranta and it seems The Moonie Times is a bizzaro world of half baked conservative ideology mixed with plain old craziness.

I’ve been trying to alert them to THE FLAT OUT LIE told by Terry Strine to make himself look like a bad-ass and I’ve ended up through the looking glass.  First was the voice activated phone mail system that connected me to  the ditor of a golf magazine – then there was the blog that looked like promising at first…

Check out this post.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Who’s in charge here?

For President Bush and his shrinking group of minions, the people who elected him — and have stood by him through thick and thin — are now the enemy.

Reasoned and historically-based opposition to the Bush-Kennedy illegal immigrant amnesty bill is being attacked as bigotry. As the business lobby plays him like a marionette, it seems the only thing this stumblebum president has learned in seven years is how to sling mud like the Left.


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