Delaware Liberal

Around The Horn Friday: Jack’s All In Edition

Well the big news this week was that Jack Markell has announced that he is running for Guv’ner. This will potentially set up the best campaign that we have seen in this state since I’ve been of voting age. All over it this week was Tommywonk with the pre-announcement and then the announcement coverage. More coverage at Liberal Delight, Kavips, and DWA here, here and here. Nancy is in also. Over at FSP they are trying to put on a brave face.

Speaking of FSP, there are some weird things going on and MOTSmitty has come out of the shadows to post on it. It looks like some angry Republican has an ax to grind and they are doing it with postcards mailed to the delegates. The first was posted on DWA last Friday.

FSP is also starting to feel the heat that is the radiator. According to technorati, FSP is worth more than Our Humble Blog. Methinks the County Chair doth protest too much. Plus Mitt is probably pouring money into their operation…

Congrats go out to the bloggers that had a hand in killing HB 161, including Dana and the Irish Phone Boy. Looks like we can finally have tax increases in Wilmington to fix the sidewalks!!! 🙂

On Bills that we should support, CBS has a call to action to support a bill to be introduced by Smitty’s and my rep, Dick Cathcart. Looks like the goal is to keep poop out of Lums Pond. Sounds good to me.

Kavips wants us to stop looking our local gift horse in the mouth. Seabiscuit starring Joe Biden. OK, I get it, it’s a horse race. We have some strong starters and Richardson is fading. Joe could be #4. Dennis McGlynn is just trying to figure out how he can make money betting on it.

Nationally, Ryan at Liberal Delight points out that Wyoming Senator Craig Thomas passed away this week. In Wyoming, if the Senator is a different party than the Governor, the Senator’s party nominates 3 people for the Governor to select to finish the term. The result? We don’t have the sort of vulture mentality we had when Tim Johnson had a stroke. We should look into that…

Ever vigilant, Tommywonk fills us in on another hurdle that Bluewater has gotten past.

Mike Mahaffie has a poll that he wants us to take about the readership of state-level political blogs like this one.

Merit-bound-alley has returned with a killer post about Politics and Religion.

Duffy at Pencader Days has a post about how even Peggy Noonan has given up on Mr. 32%.

MOTNewbie has officially hung up his “CLOSED” sign. I’ll probably drop his blog from the blogroll next week, but you can expect to see him posting over at FSP as MOTSmitty until Dave kicks him to the curb. I may do the same for the Liberalgeek blog.

KarmicJay has thankfully gotten back to full blogging strength. He has a great reason why you should buy your food from the local farmer.

Protack has a post on the problem with tax rebates in Brandywine.

Over at FSP, Dave is giving his O-face over Frank Luntz’s analysis of the Republic debate. I was struck by the part at the end of the clip when Luntz talked about how neither side is listening to the other. It doesn’t really bode well for Democracy, if you ask me.

Gazizza has a post about the Catholics Against Rudy website going up. Now I have a reason to root for Rudy.

Over at JttR, it is the return of the inane. Things That Are Bad is back, new and improved. Ryan laments the lack of international soccer on TV. Dude, If we had more soccer on TV, when would we have time to show Dancing with the Survivor All-Stars Idol?

Kilroy seems to be the only one talking about the smackdown delivered to Christina this week. Go get ’em Kilroy.

Hube administers a smackdown of his own on Fulcher and Jensen and their tin foil hats.

That’s all for this installment. We have passed the 3,500 Americans soldiers dead mark and at least 64,879 Iraqis have been killed. Bush is giving Merkel a backrub at a resort in Germany.

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