US Waives Some Border Passport Rules

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 8, 2007

I’m travelling to Mexico soon (I will have some posts up about that next week)  and my three children need passports.  I have been on the phone all week with the State Department trying to track them down.  They finally arrived in Delaware today.  I would like to thank Jillian from Joe Biden’s office for making that happen.  I have 2 of 3 passports and the 3rd should arrive tomorrow (hopefully) but with the Senator calling about a passport things have a way of working themselves out. 

This post isn’t about that though, the State Dept finally realized they fucked up and were screwing over travellers left and right by not being properly prepaired for something they knew was coming (sounds like a theme don’t it?)
so here is an article that talks about the problem…and the state departments relaxing of the law till September

Now read this juicy comment from Maura Harty, the assistant secretary for consular affairs:

What we did not anticipate adequately enough was the American citizens’ willingness and desire to comply with the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative in the timeframe that they did,” Harty said.

I call BULLSHIT…..Hello! what am I supposed to do when I fly to fucking Mexico bitch? Tell them to fuck off and run past customs? or better yet tell them that I don’t want to comply with the Western Hemispher Travel Initiative? I abstain!  I decline, now let me in! 

I can see it now “Oh, Ok sir, Si’, NO PROBLEM, WELCOME TO MEXICO, Beinvenedo (or some shit like that)”

People have no choice to comply or they don’t go to Mexico for vacation dumb ass.


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hiding in the open

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  1. G Rex says:

    Don V, just sneak through the fence like everybody else.

    “What we did not anticipate adequately enough was the American citizens’ willingness and desire to comply…”

    Willingness and desire my ass. More like, “Since when do you need a passport to go to friggin’ Mexico? Nobody told me! What color alert is it now? Is it 39 cents to mail a letter, or 41? I’ve been too busy watching the Paris Hilton drama.”

    My wife had to ransack the house last year to find her birth certificate so we could go up to Montreal for the Formula 1 race, since I was under the misconception that all you needed was a driver’s license.

  2. Hube says:


    Close! “Bienvenido” it is.

  3. George says:

    The Nazi’s are picking up where they left off. All of this is about control and surveillance. Bush said “if your not with us your against us”. We’ll I guess I’m against you.
    You Nazi-Mother-FU–ER

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