Democrats = Bad

Filed in National by on June 10, 2007

If you are thinking about going off on a partisan jag about how “bad” Democrats are after reading today’s JL Miller article on the “Desk Drawer Veto” please do me a couple of favors first.

Give some evidence (other than the “D” that shows up next to the names) that Adams, Vaughn and Venebles are Democrats. It is a fluke of history that I am in the same party as these segregation loving Dixiecrats which father time will soon rectify*.

Also please note that it was Karen Petersen (a real Bobby Kennedy Democrat) who first championed open government and has pushed the issue into the public field of view.

*A special election in SD14 is imminent.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. FSP says:

    “If you are thinking about going off on a partisan jag about how “bad” Democrats are after reading today’s JL Miller article on the “Desk Drawer Veto””

    And I am…

    “a special election in SD14 is imminent.”

    And it has been rumored to be imminent since November, and will continue to be rumored until it’s not, if you know what I’m saying.

  2. an0nym00se says:

    How about they were elected to leadership positions by their fellow Democrats? Is that evidence of the fact that not only are they Democrats, but exemplify the best elected Democrats have to offer?

  3. anon says:

    exemplify the best elected Democrats have to offer?

    Not any more than Bush represents the best Republicans have to offer.

  4. FSP says:

    Adams wasn’t elected Pro Tem on a public ballot.

  5. And Bush wasn’t elected President by the public ballow.

    Two evil curmudgeons who deserve being put out to pasture.

    Dave, What’s going on? How come no reply emails?

  6. Chris says:

    “And Bush wasn’t elected President by the public ballow.”

    Perhaps you may have a slight argument with regard to the 2000 election, since he did not have the most popular votes, but he did indeed win with regard the electoral college.

    However, in 2004..he won both, so your argument does not hold water.

  7. TomaHawk says:

    As far as Vaughn, Adams and Venebles are concerned go back several decades and learn what a DixieCrat was. They were what is now exemplified by the Bu$hit neo-con republicans. Anti-diversity, anti-black, anti-social progress, anti- everything that didn’t protect the good old boy white politicans and what they considered to be their base. This trio is DINO, truely DixieCrats.

  8. an0nym00se says:

    Then why do they continue to hold leadership positions? Pro-Tem is voted on each session. Right-thinking (excuse the pun) Democrats could put progressive leadership into place, but apparently Karen Peterson isn’t allowed to hold every leadership role. So they happily seat the same people each vote.