Donviti’s droppings

Filed in National by on June 12, 2007

Well you all know I’m on vacatio… partyin lobbying for the roofers I thought it would be cool to drop a few thoughts here and there. 

thought for the day. 

courtesy flush = A flush in the middle of the toilet-sitting process in order to reduce the aroma but more importantly reduce the noise…usually performed on a “foreign throne” such as a work bathroom or a friends house.  In other words, to be polite and not stink up the host’s crapper too much.

Note: The first thing you do when you walk into a restroom and there are other occupied stalls. Flushing before you sit down creates enough noise in the area that other people may be able to finish their business while minimizing embarrassment from excessive flatulence.

have a nice day

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hiding in the open

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  1. G Rex says:

    Speaking of “foreign thrones,” I took a crap in one at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (That’s the PRC’s rubber stampy equivalent to our Senate, FYI.) I took a picture to commemorate the moment. Of the toilet, that is, not what I left in it.

  2. Beach Bum says:

    Since you brought up the subject I failed to perform the needed social custom just last week at Disney World while I was on vacation. I was close to Space Mountain when nature called me in the most urgent manor. Without going into any more description than needed, or wanted, I had people running out of the place cussing me in at least four languages. Donviti you have once again performed a much needed public service.
    By the way, I trashed my old site and I am now at

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Ah, I love the odoriferous emanation of my own brand, and if others cannot appreciate it, then to hell with them! 🙂

  4. Disbelief says:

    And there is of course the “courtesy cough” to prevent unwanted attempts to enter whilst you are performing the daily constitutinal.