Mike Huckabee Enters the Romney Zone

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 12, 2007

In response to Colin Powell’s statement that he would close Git’mo “this afternoon” Mike Huckabee got all whacky.

My sense was, because I visited every single prison in the Arkansas prison system, and I can tell you most of our prisoners would love to be in a facility more like Guantanamo and less like the state prisons that people are in in the United States.

OK, I suggest that we send Scooter and Paris to Git’mo and we can have a new The Simple Life with orange jumpsuits. Here’s the upside, neither of them would ever be heard from again. Oh, and the water-boarding might actually prove that Paris has a gag reflex.


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  1. oy

    this is a funny post, heh.
    Fuck You Colin fucking Powell.

    ~ well now that that is off my chest I can move on, slightly.