Ryan S’s anti-gay choice for President hires closeted gays!! (gasp!!)

Filed in National by on June 12, 2007

Why is it always the biggest anti-gays who are either gay or hiring closeted gays?

High-profile Tancredo presidential campaign staffer outed

Tyler Whitney, the webmaster for the right-wing antigay Colorado Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo’s presidential campaign, has been outed by the Michigan gay paper Between the Lines. I had reporter Todd Heywood on the show today. Bay Buchanan, Team Tancredo Senior Advisor and sister of the fire-breathing Pat Buchanan, is defending Whitney, saying, “A person’s sexual preference is a personal matter and has nothing to do with the campaign.”

I love Bay Buchanan’s quote. It is just the kind of reality denial Tyler Whitney was all about. Check it out…

In addition to his ties to Tancred, Whitney is closely associated with Kyle Bristow, the leader of the Young Americans for Freedom MSU chapter, now officially listed as a hate group. Bristow has opined that if he had a gay son he would kill him, and that homosexuals should be in prison.

Whitney is also pictured in a Nov. 20 protest holding a sign which reads “Go back in the closet.” The protest was against a proposed comprehensive human rights ordinance in the city of Lansing, an ordinance that was later adopted by a unanimous vote of the City Council.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I have noticed that those who publicly are most homophobic seem to turn out later to have ‘issues’. For a while there, our own Senator “Prince” Lil’ Johnny Still was rabidly behind legislation that would castrate certain members of our citizenry (I’m guessing it would be those who couldn’t afford decent attorneys). The Prince was also a bit discouraging to gay-rights issues. I began to wonder; why is he so anti-gay? He is so anti-gay, its almost as if he was hiding something. Perhaps something in closet….

    My guess is 6 inch spike heels and crotchless fishnets.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    There you go stereotyping again…when have I ever expressed an opinion against gay people?

  3. This is just another example of the pot calling the kettle black. It’s perfectly acceptable if one of their own is outted, as witnessed by Mr.Buchannan’s statement. It’s perfectly OK for VP Chenney to have a lesbian daughter. It’s the attitude of the Bush administration that Mary’s decision is a private manner and we should simply honor it. However, it was you or I (the peons)it would be a blow to “family values”.
    The republicans and their base, the evangelics, are fanatical on this issue. Their motto of, Hate the sin but not the sinner”, just doesn’t fly. It’s just not possible to seperate feelings of hate. The rhetoric of “Reverends” like Falwell, and Robertson, have surely contributed to suicide being the leading cause of death amongst gay teenagers. Even President Clinton’s establishment of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was prejudicial. It would be quite alright for a straight enlisted man to have a picture of his wife or girlfriend on his desk. However, if a gay person placed a picture of his significant other on his desk he could be dimmissed. The Boy Scouts, too, are totally homophobic. Gays pay taxes, own homes, work etc like all “normal” Americans. However we are treated like second class citizens. I feel that illegal aliens will likely be given more rights that the dispised gay community has.
    I am infuriated that no Democratic candidates for President in 2008 are willing to openly address the question of gay rights. (even leaving out the marriage issue) The bottom line is that gays remain the last American miniority group politically correct to hate!

  4. Joe M says:

    “I’d like to see taxes raised on the wealthy, drugs decriminalized and homosexuals free to marry.”

    While I think the point Jason was making is that Tancredo is your candidate of choice who is anti-gay, I’d also like to point out anyone who may think Ryan is anti-gay to this post of his (above) from Sept ’06.

  5. Hube says:

    How dare you, Joe? Tossing water on Jason’s hyper-partisan parade, you … !!


  6. Von Cracker says:

    The trend has been those who protest so much about “Social” issues are the ones that practice what they say they despise. Upbringings that promote shame force these people to the extreme, in order to show proof that they are not one of “those”.

    Gay priests, anyone?

  7. It is not politically correct to hate anyone, period. In our country as an adult you are free to associate with anyone you desire and the extent of that relationship is up to you.

    However, a group or person who disagrees with you is not automatically a bigot or homophobe. Case in point is the Boy Scouts. It is a private organization founded on certain principles. You may not agree and if you don’t then do not join or support that organization.

    As for marriage each state should control the laws affecting marriage.

    VP Cheney doesn’t “have” a lesbian daughter as if she is some sort of property. His daughter happens to be a lesbian, a fact which doesn’t seem to bother in him in the least, nor should it.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    The Boy Scouts take FEDERAL money and they discriminate. They are “private” in name only.

  9. Ryan S. says:

    Well Joe, that was me quoting somebody else…but still, I’m not anti-gay, and I’ve never heard Tancredo say anything explicitly anti-gay.

    Of course, he may opposed to gay marriage, but so-called pro-gay Democrats aren’t for that either.

  10. Joe M says:

    I was defending you. How dare you correct me??! 😉

    Just kidding Ryan, I see what you’re saying. I didn’t get that you were quoting.

  11. Ryan S. says:

    It’s cool. It’s something I’ve been working on being clearer about. 😉

  12. Mike Protack says:

    Boy Scouts do not get federal money and in fact have lost huge contributions from United Way and have been booted from using many public lands.

    The Supreme Court has supported their existence and ability to be a private organization.

    Too bad the focus has been to punish the Boy Scouts.

  13. This reply is directed to, “betterdealfordelaware” As a 63 year old gay person, I simply could not allow some of your misguided remarks to go unchallenged.
    First I agree totally with your statement, “It is not politically correct to hate anyone.” However, I thinks you would also agree that actions speak louder than words. It was not politically correct to hate Negroes in the 50’s and 60’s. But, the fact of the matter is that a very large percentage of white American’s did. This hate was manifest by the Klu-Klux-Klan, house burnings, lynchings, and the disgrace of having to endure seperate accomodations. (shools, lunch counters, rest rooms etc.) In fact the prevailing law of the land was, “Seperate but Equal.” It took the wisdom of the US Supreme Court to acknowledge that seperate can never be equal. Many of those who opposed this blatant bigotry just turned the other way. They, like todays politicians, were unwilling to take the political risk of actively supporting integration. So, Mr. betterdeal, although it is morally true that it is not politically correct to hate, it’s a reality of life that sanctioned hate is out there. Those who deny that sanctioned political hate does exist are living in a dream world! If blacks today were denied the right to marry whites, denied the right to serve in the military because of their skin color, denied the priviledge of serving in the Boy Scouts, and denied access to white colleges, there would be a huge national outcry of discrimination. However, gays endure this cruel intimidation every day of their lives, and the electorate just looks the other way. By not speaking out and not acting, such hate eventually becomes sanctioned as politically correct.
    I also agree with you in saying that those who disagree with me should not be automatically labeled as bigots or homophobes. However, when they blatantly portray gays as being pedophiles, there is a problem! It is statistically proven that straights are the primary child abusers. When you defile me by using the word “faggot”, as Ann Coulter did on national T.V., there is a problem. When gays are attacked and murdered just because of who they are, without the hate crime legislation afforded other miniority groups, there is a problem.
    Your final statement in truly quite laughable. Again you play a game of semantics. When someone states I “have” a lesbian daughter, I fail to see how it can be construed to mean that they own their child. “Own” is applied to material possessions, as in, “I own a car.” The word “have” as applied to VP Cheney’s daughter, Mary, means that he fathered her and that she is a member of his family. Yes, I also agree that the fact that his daughter is a lesbian, “Doesn’t SEEM to bother him in the least”. However, Mr. betterdeal, if you were the father of a gay son or a lesbian, I can gurantee you that it would bother him! How do we know this? A person’s words convey their thoughts and Mr. Cheneys years of homophobic speech would cast your gay/lesbian child as being immoral and virtally sub-human. Stop living in a fantasy world!!